They were the governors responsible to the king's central government for maintaining peace, internal and external security, prosperity and tax collection within their province.
Into Satraps .
The King and his network of Satraps (provincial governors).
The provincial Governors called Satraps, and his central councillors.
One of the nobles of the Persian tribe. There were 20 provinces (satrapies) and 20 governors (satraps)
Into Satraps .
The King and his network of Satraps (provincial governors).
The provincial Governors called Satraps, and his central councillors.
Darius the Great.
One of the nobles of the Persian tribe. There were 20 provinces (satrapies) and 20 governors (satraps)
Satraps ~ look to the related link below for further information .
By leaving local government in place, overseen by Persian provincial governors (Satraps) with central control by the king and his council.
There were 20 Satraps (provincial governors responsible to the king and his council).
satraps, or governors.
The king and his council oversaw 20 provincial governors (Satraps) who were responsible for internal and external security, collecting taxes and development. The normal local forms of government continued under supervision of the Satraps.