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After a lot of research into the various religious beliefs of the highly commercialized regions of the world, I have come to the rational conclusion that their Gods were Born/Created from the imagination of the rulers of that particular geographic location. Their Gods were created to be in their own image and likeness. These rulers, through their clever advisors, created religions that targeted the fears of the people at the particular time. These advisors were similar to the marketing consultants and advertising specialists of today. The wealthy people found creative ways of keep the working-class people (slaves) obedient to their whim and fancy. The working class people were threatened with eternal damnation for disobedience to the divine laws and instructions of an invisible authority called God. This God has created you in his image and likeness to obey and serve him with blind faith. This God choose special servants to be his messengers to his humble and obedient subjects. This God also commands that his loyal slaves must kill all those who do not obey his commandments. Absolutely no individual involved in organized religion has a conclusive answer to the question of proving the existence of God! Many religious zealots will venture to market their particular brand of theology in an attempt to create a convincing argument that their dogma contains the only credible proof that the God-Fantasy is true. But they can't answer the most troubling question in life; Why did their Gods create religious bigotry, social bigotry, economic bigotry and gender bigotry?

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