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They decisions were made by kings .

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Q: How were decisions made in Sparta?
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Who made most of the decisions in Sparta?

The Nobles of Sparta and the buff guys

Who made the most important government decisions in Sparta?

Council of Elders

What are two rights women in Sparta held?

Even though some may know this about the women in Sparta, I am proud to announce that I know more than you all do.....just kidding. Anyway, two rights women in Sparta held was the ability to own land and have a n agreement on the men's decisions. Usually their husband's decisions.

Which physical feature made Sparta somewhat isolated?

Surrounding mountains made Sparta somewhat isolated.

Why Decisions are made?

Decisions are made to plan for your future.

What were Sparta's and Athens weapons made of?

They are made by bronze

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KingSpartax37 made it.Because he was the first person to download sparta mario kart mix.

Different conditions under which decisions are made?

the conditions that decisions are made

How did the Messinians become helots?

They were conquered by Sparta, who made the people into serfs, who delivered half their crop to Sparta.

List of things that made Sparta and athen alike?

Both Athens's and Sparta's Government were elected by the people.

Who is stronger Athens or Sparta?

Sparta was stronger because they trained for the military more than Athens.

What recent society does Sparta resemble?

Sometimes comparisons are made between Sparta and Prussia, but they should not be taken literally.