No. Centaurs do not have a Roman name.... The Roman and the Greek name is the same, Centaurs.
There were a great many ways in which centaurs have terrorized people. These centaurs would chase people with bows and arrows for example.
Yes, centaurs can be female. In Greek mythology, centaurs are depicted as both male and female beings with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse.
No they are not
They're are female centaurs in Greek mythology but they are very rare.
Centaurs are just strong and fast. Nymphs on the other hand, will seduce you and then steal things from you. Then they will use what they steal against you.
Of course, there's demigods. Other than that, there are centaurs, naiads (water nymphs), tree nymphs, satyrs, occasionally cyclopes, evil greek creatures (Kronos's side), hellhounds and centaurs (not counting Chiron) and lastly, Pegusi.
Anemoi-the four winds, centaurs, chthonic-earth gods, cyclops, dragons, erinyes-the furies, gigantes, gorgon, nymphs, moriae-the fates, harpies-the snatchers
No. Centaurs do not have a Roman name.... The Roman and the Greek name is the same, Centaurs.
Centaurs are creatures of Greek mythology.
On Warcraft 3 you cannot be the centaurs in the mission but you only can play as the centaurs in the custom map.
Nymphs. Wood nymphs are dryads/ napaeae; tree nymphs are hamadryads; water, stream and fountain nymphs are naiads; sea nymphs are nereids; ocean nymphs are oceanids; and mountain nymphs are oreads.
Yes. Centaurs were created by the greeks (mythologically)
The Centaurs was created in 1921.
There were a great many ways in which centaurs have terrorized people. These centaurs would chase people with bows and arrows for example.
New York Centaurs was created in 1994.
The answer is because the maids gave the centaurs wine which made the centaurs wild and the frieze of lapith attacked the centaurs because their tried to rape and kidnap the women and the leader of the centaurs tried to kidnap the bride of the wedding and the leader of the lapith tried to kill the leader of the centaurs.