classic monarchy, such as kings, vassals, so forth and so on, wasn't invented or even implemented in ancient Greece. greece was a republic, similar to how the US of A is today. they had a group that would make decisions, a republic, and this republic would rule over the land. it worked out quite well, until i believe the Romans took over. typing republic into Google would give much better info on the republics than i could.
Ancient Greece was a Monarchy, oligarchie, tyranny, then a democracy (in order).
Democracy monarchy aristocracy
Democracy had its origins in ancient Greece.
where are the plains in ancient greece
Ancient Greece was a Monarchy, oligarchie, tyranny, then a democracy (in order).
i THINK it came from ancient Greece but im not sure
monarchy (ap3x)
Ancient Greece
Tribal, followed by monarchy.
The types of governments were... -MONARCHY -ARISTOCRATS -OLIGARCHY -and DIRECT DEMOCRACY
i THINK it came from ancient Greece but im not sure
oligarchy , monarchy , and democracy ... this is my first answer..pimp.