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From 334 to 327 BCE.

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Q: How long did it take Alexander the Great to conquer the Persian Empire?
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Why did Alexander the great attack the Persian empire?

to conquer his enemies land

When did Alexander the Great conquer the Persian Empire?

From 334 to 331 BCE.

What major empire was Alexander the Great able to conquer in 331 BC?

The Persian Empire.

Where did Alexander the Great plan to conquer?

He followed his assassinated father Philip's plan to take over the Persian Empire.

How long did it take Alexander the Great to conquer the Macedonian Empire?

It took him ten years to conquer the Persian Empire and turn it into an empire of his own.

How long did it take Alexander the Great to conquer all of the Persian Empire?

Ten years

What empire did Alexander the Great determine to conquer?

The Persian Empire - he inherited the plan from his assassinated father Philip II.

What kind of territories did Alexander the Great conquer?

The Persian Empire stretching from Libya to Central Asia.

What year did Alexander the Great conquer the Persian Empire?

He began in 334 BCE and finished in ten years.

What helped Alexander the great to conquer the Persian empire?

He created alliances with many greek city-states

What strong army did Alexander defeat?

Alexander the Great defeated the Persian empire

When did Alexander the Great start his empire?

In 336 BCE after his father's death, when he took over his father's plan to conquer the Persian Empire.