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The answer to your question is a little tricky because Cleopatra ruled, was dethroned and then returned to power. She became joint ruler with her brother upon the death of her father in 51 BC. However, she was ousted by her brother four years later. In 47 BC Julius Caesar installed her on the throne once again. So from the time of Caesar, she ruled for 17 years. If you count the time she co-ruled with her brother, she would have rued or 21 years.

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Q: How long did cleopatra the 7th rule for?
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How long did Cleopatra rule in Egypt?

Cleopatra ruled from 47 BC to 30 BC. a time span of 17 years.

What kingdom did Cleopatra rule?

Cleopatra ruled Egypt and its territories.

Why did Cleopatra want to rule Egypt?

Cleopatra wanted to rule Egypt because she thought it was her right under her father's will.

How did Cleopatra get rule over Egypt?

Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.Cleopatra was originally named co-ruler of Egypt with her brother in her father's will. That co-rule did not last long and Cleopatra was exiled. She did not gain complete rule over Egypt until Julius Caesar set her up on the throne in 47 BC.

What dynasty did Cleopatra rule in?

Cleopatra was the last in the line of the Ptolemaic dynasty.

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How long did cloeopatra rule for?

Cleopatra started ruling by 18 years old and died during the job of a queen of 39. Cleopatra ruled for 21 years

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How long did Cleopatra rule in Egypt?

Cleopatra ruled from 47 BC to 30 BC. a time span of 17 years.

When did Cleopatra start to rule egypt?

Cleopatra started her rule in 51 B.C.!

Did Cleopatra rule?

Cleopatra ruled in Eygypt

Who did Cleopatra's dad said to rule Egypt?

In his will, Cleopatra's father designated Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy XIII to rule Egypt together.

How long did Cleopatra Selene II rule for?

Cleopatra Selene II was the daughter of Cleopatra VII. She, herself did not rule, she was married to the king of Mauretania, he was the ruler. We don't even know at what age she married her husband or exactly when she died. The estimates of her death are between 5 BC and 11 AD---a long time span.

Was Cleopatra's kingdom ever invaded?

Cleopatra's kingdom was only invaded once, by Octavian. Remember, this was only during Cleopatra's rule. Ancient Egypt was invaded several times in its long history.

How long did cleopatra rule eygpt?

from the age of 17 to the age of 36 so for 19 years

What kingdom did Cleopatra rule?

Cleopatra ruled Egypt and its territories.

How long was Cleopatra not queen?

Cleopatra Became Queen At 18 because her father died she then married her oldest brother. So she wasn't in rule from birth to 18.

Why did Cleopatra want to rule Egypt?

Cleopatra wanted to rule Egypt because she thought it was her right under her father's will.