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Chione caught the eye of Hermes and she gave birth to Autolycus- the father of Laertes who proved himself in both the hunt for the Calydonian boar and the quest for the Golden Fleece. Laertes was the father of Odysseus.

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Q: How is Hermes related to Odysseus?
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Anticlea was the mother of Odysseus; her father was Autolycus, and his father was Hermes. Hermes is the brother of Hephaestus by their father Zeus.

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Odysseus is said to be the son of Anticlia, daughter of Autolycus. Autolycus is a son of Hermes, Zeus is the father of Hermes. Demeter is the sister of Zeus.

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Hermes assisted Odysseus several times in his journey.

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Hermes helps Odysseus at the end of his 7-years on Ogygia with Calypso, and just before he meets up with Circe.

Where in the Odyssey does it reference that Odysseus is related to Hermes?

Chapter 11- He refers to his mother Autolycus. Twice he is refered to as "Royal son of Laertes."

Who advises Odysseus on how to not become a pig?

Hermes advises Odysseus on how to avoid Circe's spell that turns men into pigs by giving him a special herb called moly to protect him. Odysseus follows Hermes' instructions and is able to resist Circe's magic.