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"Are you Egyptian?"

"Yes, I am from Egypt, there for I am an Egyptian."

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Q: How do you use Egyptian in a sentence?
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Use the term Egyptian in a sentence?

The Sphynx is an Egytian monument.

What sentence can you use with the word pyramid?

The Egyptian pyramids are beautiful

Do you capitalize the word Egyptian in a sentence?

Yes, Egyptian is capitalised.

Use Rosetta stone in a sentence?

The Rosetta Stone was helped to find out the meaning and the words of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics!

How do you use the word weapons in a sentence?

You just did. -Improvement- The Egyptian traders took their beads, metal tools, and weapons to trade. That is a better sentence than -You just did.-

How can you use the word comprehensible in a sentence?

(able to be understood) "The translations on the Rosetta Stone made Egyptian hieroglyphics comprehensible."

How do you use ankh in a sentence?

"Ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol representing life and immortality."

Use the term papyrus in a sentence about Egyptian hieroglyphs?

Heiroglyphs were a system of writing developed in Egypt for carving into stone or writing on papyrus.

How can you use nation-state and dynasty in a sentence?

A sentence with the words dynasty and nation-state describing the Egyptian civilization is... King Narmer began the first dynasty in his nation-state and the world.

What adjectives are used in the sentence Our Egyptian friend Abdul asked us to remove our muddy shoes at the door?

our, egyptian, our, muddy, the Our is not an adjective it is a pronoun, a possessive pronoun

How do use hatshepsut in a sentence?

Queen Hatshepsut sneakily usurped the title of "Egyptian Pharaoh" from her son Thutmose III, the original heir to the throne.

What is a sentence for Osiris?

Osiris is the Egyptian god of the dead.