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Q: How do you introduce your name in Egyptian language?
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How do you pronounce the Egyptian goddess Neith's name?

No one can answer that; the Ancient Egyptian language is lost. Closet guess: Nit (Knit)

Describe the two ancient Egyptian forms of written language?

5. Describe the two ancient Egyptian forms of written language.

What language did the Ancient Egyptians use?

AnswerUntil the third century BCE, Egyptians spoke the native Egyptian language, made famous by the Egyptian hierglyphics. Following the Greek conquest and the introduction of the Ptolemic dynasty, Egyptians spoke Greek Koine.

What was the name for Ancient Egyptian mascara?

The name of Egyptian mascara is called KOHL.

Was Cleopatra VII the first in her family to speak Egyptian?

Cleopatra was the first in her family to speak Egyptian in public. It's a safe bet to assume that other Greek rulers had an understanding of the Egyptian language although they never spoke it in public.Cleopatra was the first in her family to speak Egyptian in public. It's a safe bet to assume that other Greek rulers had an understanding of the Egyptian language although they never spoke it in public.Cleopatra was the first in her family to speak Egyptian in public. It's a safe bet to assume that other Greek rulers had an understanding of the Egyptian language although they never spoke it in public.Cleopatra was the first in her family to speak Egyptian in public. It's a safe bet to assume that other Greek rulers had an understanding of the Egyptian language although they never spoke it in public.Cleopatra was the first in her family to speak Egyptian in public. It's a safe bet to assume that other Greek rulers had an understanding of the Egyptian language although they never spoke it in public.Cleopatra was the first in her family to speak Egyptian in public. It's a safe bet to assume that other Greek rulers had an understanding of the Egyptian language although they never spoke it in public.Cleopatra was the first in her family to speak Egyptian in public. It's a safe bet to assume that other Greek rulers had an understanding of the Egyptian language although they never spoke it in public.Cleopatra was the first in her family to speak Egyptian in public. It's a safe bet to assume that other Greek rulers had an understanding of the Egyptian language although they never spoke it in public.Cleopatra was the first in her family to speak Egyptian in public. It's a safe bet to assume that other Greek rulers had an understanding of the Egyptian language although they never spoke it in public.

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It depends on what your name is.

How do you introduce myself to someone in french language?

You can introduce yourself by saying "Bonjour, je m'appelle [Your Name]." (Hello, my name is [Your Name]).

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Did Cleopatra speak Egyptian lanugae?

Yes, Cleopatra did speak the Egyptian language. In fact she was the first Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian language in public.Yes, Cleopatra did speak the Egyptian language. In fact she was the first Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian language in public.Yes, Cleopatra did speak the Egyptian language. In fact she was the first Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian language in public.Yes, Cleopatra did speak the Egyptian language. In fact she was the first Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian language in public.Yes, Cleopatra did speak the Egyptian language. In fact she was the first Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian language in public.Yes, Cleopatra did speak the Egyptian language. In fact she was the first Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian language in public.Yes, Cleopatra did speak the Egyptian language. In fact she was the first Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian language in public.Yes, Cleopatra did speak the Egyptian language. In fact she was the first Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian language in public.Yes, Cleopatra did speak the Egyptian language. In fact she was the first Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian language in public.

What does the name Barack Obama mean in Egyptian?

There is no "Egyptian" language any more; in ancient times, Egyptians had a language of their own, but these days, Egyptians tend to speak Arabic. The name "Barack" is a common Arabic and middle-eastern name, which means Blessed. The name Obama is an African family name, related to an ancestral group who live in Kenya; there is no evidence the word has any meaning in the Arabic language.

Where did the name Thoth come from?

The English word-name of the Egyptian god of wisdom and magic, Thoth, derives from the Latin and Greek languages' Thoth, which derive from the Egyptian language Tehuti.

What would your name be if you were an Egyptian or Greek or Roman god?

It would be in Egyptian/Greek/Roman; as in, have a translation in that language of a word (or two) that means something of significance.

How do you say valerie in Egyptian?

There is no such modern language as "Egyptian".

How do you say night in Egyptian?

There is no such modern language as "Egyptian".

Who made up the Egyptian language?

Winnie the pooh made up the Egyptian language... :D

How do you pronounce the Egyptian goddess Neith's name?

No one can answer that; the Ancient Egyptian language is lost. Closet guess: Nit (Knit)

What were some element of Egyptian culture that became popular in kush?

Egyptian became the region's language. They used Egyptian names and clothing. They also did Egyptian religious practices