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In addition to clothing and feeding Odysseus, the Phaecians heap many treasures upon Odysseus and return him home to Ithaca.

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Q: How do the Phaecians treat Odysseus?
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Why did the Phaecians take Odysseus home?

The Phaecians took Odysseus home because it had always been there custom to return lost travelers back to their homes. Furthermore, they were good and gracious hosts.

Who takes Odysseus home to Ithaca?

The Phaecians take Odysseus to Ithaca by their blessed ship from Scheria.

What was the Home of the people who took Odysseus home?

Scheria was home to the Phaecians who took Odysseus home.

Where does nausicaa find Odysseus?

Nausicaa, daughter of the king of Phaecians, finds Odysseus next to a river on her island of Scheria.

How does Odysseus get home to Ithaca?

The Phaecians take him to Ithaca by their blessed ship from Scheria.

What island was Odysseus washed up on?

Odysseus washes up on several islands including the island of the Phaecians, Scheria, and the island of Calypso, Ogygia.

What happens to the Phaecians when Poseidon finds out how they helped Odysseus?

Just before the ship that helped Odysseus reaches shore, it is turned into a rock and sunk by Poseidon.

How does Odysseus describe himself to the phaecians?

Odysseus describes himself as "wily Odysseus" when he introduces himself to the Phaeacians. He emphasizes his intelligence and resourcefulness, traits that have helped him survive his long journey back from the Trojan War.

How does Odysseus finally return home?

The Phaecians bring Odysseus home in their swift blessed ships, and unload him while still sleeping onto Ithaca with many treasures of tribute.