After the end of the ancient Greek civilization, belief in the Greek gods declined and their worship faded away. The gods were no longer actively worshipped and their influence in society diminished.
According to myth, Apollo was immortal, so he did not die.
Zeus was the ruler of the Greek Gods and Kronos was the ruler of the Titans.
The Greek gods told Aeneas to leave the battle with his family. While running away his wife was captured and killed by persueing soldiers
No. The Greek gods were just as important.
yes because without people to believe in them they would just fade away
gods cant die but if they become forgotten they fade
Drachma also gods dont die they fade
No Greek gods and goddesses do not "fade"; what fades is the memory of their worship and role in lives of people before more "modern" gods and goddesses. Thus Pan was "replaced" in his role by Hermes and Dionysus, and Helios by Apollo and Selene by Artemis - at least that is how it was seen by those of the Renaissance, to explain why gods and goddesses of ancient people seemed to have overlapping roles.
Gods, including Poseidon, are immortal which means that they live forever. They can fade away if people stop believing in them but they do not die.
After the end of the ancient Greek civilization, belief in the Greek gods declined and their worship faded away. The gods were no longer actively worshipped and their influence in society diminished.
Gods are immortal unless they fade away which goes toward the reason why they are immortal which is the beliefs of people. I fthe people believe in the gods they are immortal so if the gods destroyed mankind they are doomed to wither and die
Only Fade Away was created in 1954.
Only Fade Away has 303 pages.
Lion spots fade away when they start to mature.
it is when the top and bottom fade away
He didn't. He's immortal, but he can fade away if no one remembers him.