the cyclops stuck his toe in his eye because he though it would taste good and it tasted delicious
okay, i was asking how they came to be, not what his eye tasted like. i was just wondering for my greek monster project.
Cyclops were mythical, one-eyed creatures in both Greek and Roman mythology. One of the most famous Cyclops was said to have come from the island of Sicily where many Cyclops supposedly lived.
The Cyclops is an antaqonist. The cyclops represents an enemy which is larger than life.Also the Cyclopse cursed Odysseus and forced him to have a long journey home, and also have none of his men come home.
It enables Odysseus and his men to escape the Cyclops's cave and it confuses the other Cyclopses so they don't come to the aid of their friend.
polyphemus yells and calls his fellow cyclops for help. When they come they ask who is hurting him, he answers NOBODY IS KILLING ME! and at this all the cyclops laugh and go away.
To be correct what did Odyessus do to the cyclops. He poked the cyclops in the eye.
land of the cyclops
a greek myth
he was born in Anchorage, Alaska
he was born in Anchorage, Alaska
The other cyclops won't come to Polyphemus's rescue because they are typically independent and live in isolation. They do not have a strong sense of community or cooperation with other cyclops. Additionally, Polyphemus was blinded by Odysseus and his men, so there is no bond of familial loyalty or obligation that would compel other cyclops to help him.
Cyclops were mythical, one-eyed creatures in both Greek and Roman mythology. One of the most famous Cyclops was said to have come from the island of Sicily where many Cyclops supposedly lived.
The Cyclops is an antaqonist. The cyclops represents an enemy which is larger than life.Also the Cyclopse cursed Odysseus and forced him to have a long journey home, and also have none of his men come home.
The other Cyclops ignore Polyphemus' cries for help, thinking that he is just playing a trick. They do not come to his aid, assuming that he is fine.
Polyphemus says to his fellow Cyclops that he has been blinded by "Nobody" when he is attacked by Odysseus in Homer's "The Odyssey." He then calls for help from the other Cyclops, but when they hear him say that "Nobody" has hurt him, they assume he is fine and do not come to his aid.
It enables Odysseus and his men to escape the Cyclops's cave and it confuses the other Cyclopses so they don't come to the aid of their friend.
polyphemus yells and calls his fellow cyclops for help. When they come they ask who is hurting him, he answers NOBODY IS KILLING ME! and at this all the cyclops laugh and go away.
The phrase "fair traffic" can refer to the concept of just and equitable exchange or trade. In Greek mythology, the Cyclops asks these questions to understand if Odysseus and his men have come as friends or foes, as their intentions will determine the Cyclops' response.