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Q: How did the Aztecs maintain power?
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Do the Aztecs still maintain there culture today?

yes, they still maintain the culture

How many years were the Aztecs in power?

they where in power for 28 years

Why did the Aztecs build hundreds of temples and religious structures dedicated to the gods?

The Aztecs built temples and religious structures to honor and appease their gods, whom they believed had power over natural forces and events. These structures served as places for performing rituals, sacrifices, and ceremonies to maintain the harmony between human life and the divine world. Additionally, showcasing their devotion to the gods was a way for the Aztecs to demonstrate their power and prestige in Mesoamerican society.

How long were the Aztecs in power?

1200ad- 1400ad

Which of Montezuma is tactics promoted harmony between the Aztecs and other central American civilization?

Montezuma II promoted alliances and marriages between the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican civilizations to foster harmony and consolidate power. He also used trade and diplomacy to maintain relationships with surrounding city-states.

How did the Aztecs gain the power and wealth that they had?

mada alliances with others!!

What actions did the Spanish do to demonstrate their power to the Aztecs?

They had sexual intercourse with the Aztec's dogs. They also defecated in the food of the Aztecs when they weren't looking.

Who was emperor during the Aztecs time of their greatest power?

Moctezuma II ruled the Aztecs in their greatest time. I learned that in 6th grade.

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How does any ruling class maintain power in the hunger games

why did the Spanish conquered Aztecs and Incas?

they wanted more power and land

Who did the Aztecs feel was their highest power?

Their gods, so like Quetzicoatl

What explorers defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico?

Hernando Cortez was the Spanish conquistador that defeat the Aztecs. They used trickery and subterfuge to take the power away from the king of the Aztecs.