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Ancient Greece had a very big influence on our life today. They were the people who developed the first Democracy. And they passed down the legacy of Science and Technology. If they did not do this we would not have many of the things we have today. Almost everything you see has been improved, advanced and developed in labs and have gone through the long process of Technologically Advancement. They also were a big part on olive oil.


improved by: Robert Munroe

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11y ago

The influence of Ancient Greece in politics, architecture, the arts and language was received via the countries which settled North America. So ancient Greece gave nothing directly to the US. It came from Britain, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy etc in various forms, copies and re-developments.

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14y ago

By giving us things such as words, literature, and the theme of plays. Greece also influenced America by giving us the common use of the Alphabet.

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12y ago

America modeled its democracy with that of Rome and Greece. Also we used some of the architecture they used like pillars, like what you can see at the White House in D.C.

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