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Jesus named him Petrosz, meaning rock in Greek: 'thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church , [Matthew 16:18].

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Q: How did Saint Peter get his name?
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What is Saint Peter's full name?

Saint Peter's full name is Simon Peter.

Are Saint Simon and Saint Peter one and the same?

No, Saint Simon and Saint Peter are two different individuals in Christianity. Saint Peter is also known as Saint Simon Peter, as Peter was his given name and Simon was his original name before he was renamed by Jesus.

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There is a tomb of Saint Peter under the basilica that bears his name in the Vatican.

What is the name of the square in Vatican City?

Saint Peter's Square in front of Saint Peter's Basilica.

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Saint Peter's father was named Jonas and he was a fisherman in Bethsaida.

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The name of St. Peter's wife is not known.

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Saint Peter's father was Jonah (or Jona) but the name of his mother is unknown.

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Saint Peter was originally named Simon.

What was the name of Saint Peter's religious order?

Peter was not a member of a religious order.

How did Saint Peter's Square get its name?

Because that is where St. Peter the Apostle was martyred.

What is the Arabic name of Saint Peter?

The Arabic name for Saint Peter is سان بطرس (pronounced "San Butros").