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Q: How did Rome motivate conquered peoples to pay taxes?
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Why did you think Rome allowed conquered peoples so much freedom?

it is that they thought they deserved it

What is the term for payments that conquered people were forced to mak?

Tribute was the term for payments that conquered peoples had to make to the Roman empire. Once they were incorporated into the empire as a province, they paid taxes. The tribute could loosely be called a "punishment payment" for going to war against Rome.

Why was Rome interested in keeping peace in its conquered territories?

Rome was interested in keeping peace with its conquered territories because they wanted the conquered people to supply the empire with raw materials it needed, buy Roman goods, and pay taxes.

Unlike other states of its time rome treated most of the peoples it conquered?

Rome treated the people it conquered pretty well, unless you disobeyed their rule. Insurrections were often dealt with by way of execution, notably by crucifixion.

What benefits do you think the romans gained from their treatment of conquered peoples?

The Romans gained revenue either in coin or kind from the conquered peoples. The treatment the provincials received, however, depended upon the provincials themselves. Rebellious, warlike tribes, such as inhabited the area of Pannonia were treated roughly, while the people of Greece, Syria and Egypt were treated leniently and for the most part allowed to continue with their pre-Roman lifestyle and methods of gathering revenue.Besides gaining the benefits of revenue from taxation of conquered peoples, additional gains also were important. These benefits included the following which is a minor edit to the spirit of the answer.1. Access to the conquered peoples mining resources such as iron ore or minerals.2. Depending upon the nature of the conquered people, Rome gained a new pool of recruits for their legions.3. Access to agricultural products.4. Rome might also gain slaves which could be sold for a profit or used to work the mines and the agricultural resources.5. Roman wars and conquests of other nations had all the purposes and benefits listed above, however, on a geo-political level, the conquest was a benefit by eliminating any threat from the nation conquered and placing bordering nations one step further away from the center of the empire which was Rome.

Why did conquered people remain loyal to the Romans?

The conquered peoples remained loyal to Rome mainly because they enjoyed the security and prosperity Roman occupation brought them.The conquered peoples remained loyal to Rome mainly because they enjoyed the security and prosperity Roman occupation brought them.The conquered peoples remained loyal to Rome mainly because they enjoyed the security and prosperity Roman occupation brought them.The conquered peoples remained loyal to Rome mainly because they enjoyed the security and prosperity Roman occupation brought them.The conquered peoples remained loyal to Rome mainly because they enjoyed the security and prosperity Roman occupation brought them.The conquered peoples remained loyal to Rome mainly because they enjoyed the security and prosperity Roman occupation brought them.The conquered peoples remained loyal to Rome mainly because they enjoyed the security and prosperity Roman occupation brought them.The conquered peoples remained loyal to Rome mainly because they enjoyed the security and prosperity Roman occupation brought them.The conquered peoples remained loyal to Rome mainly because they enjoyed the security and prosperity Roman occupation brought them.

When was Rome conquered?

Rome was conquered in 530

How much citizenship did Rome give to the people they conquered?

Initially the Romans gave Roman citizenship to elite men of the conquered peoples who were loyal to Rome. Then in 215 AD the emperor Caracalla extended Roman citizenship to all the freeborn (that is, all except the slaves) in the empire.

What events led the down fall of the city of Rome?

The city of Rome never actually fell. It was not conquered. What fell was the western part of the Roman Empire. It fell under the strain of the invasion by the Germanic peoples.

What methods were used by the roman republic to ensure the loyalty of conquered peoples in Italy?

During the first stage of expansion, Rome conquered the rest of Italy (by 290 b.c.e.). Rome won the support of the people of Italy by granting them Roman citizenship. As citizens, these people then had to provide soldiers for the military.

How did Rome expand its culture through cities?

The Romans established Latin colonies (settlements) at strategic points to have strongholds and to have a population presence there. The colonies played an important part on the Latinisation of allied peoples or conquered peoples.

How did the Romans become friends with the people they conquered?

In ancient times, Rome's conquests of various peoples and societies were often quickly followed up with overtures towards friendship or at least tolerance. One method by which the Romans sought to make "friends" of conquered peoples was to allow them to continue to worship their own gods and practice many of their own customs. The Romans sometimes even added the gods of conquered peoples into their own religious practice and understanding. They also offered incentives for citizenship, based on military and other services provided by the conquered peoples.