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He blinded Poseidon's son, the Cyclops who trapped Odysseus and his crew in his cave.

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Q: How did Odysseus earn the anger of Neptune?
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Who was still furious with Odysseus?

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Even in my anger you are the dearest to me of the Greeks?

Achilles said this to Odysseus.

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How does Polyphemus respond to Odysseus?

Polyphemus responds to Odysseus with anger and violence after Odysseus blinds him. He curses Odysseus and his men, calling for vengeance from his father Poseidon. Polyphemus then blocks the exit of the cave, trapping Odysseus and his crew inside.

How did Odysseus anger cyclops?

Odysseus angered the cyclops by getting it drunk then at night he gouged the eye of the cyclops with a hot spike of wood.

How does Odysseus anger Zeus?

they ate helios cattle and that made zeus angery

In which book does Zeus destroy Odysseus' ship?

In the epic poem "The Odyssey" by Homer, it is not Zeus who destroys Odysseus' ship, but rather the god of the sea, Poseidon. Poseidon's anger towards Odysseus causes him to send storms and obstacles to thwart Odysseus' journey home.

What are Odysseus and his men compared to?

Odysseus' men are compared to in the poem as "Terrible falcons from eyries" because of the anger and fear struck upon them as Athena's shield appeared in the hall.

How does Odysseus respond to Eurymachus?

Odysseus responds to Eurymachus with anger and frustration, criticizing his behavior and holding him accountable for his actions. He warns Eurymachus of the consequences for his actions and demands him to change his ways.

Who is the god of the sea who delays Odysseus return with fierce storm?

Perseus or in roman terms, I think it's Neptune.

What 3 characters anger Odysseus in book 18?

Melanthius, the goatherd, insults Odysseus and kicks him while he is disguised as a beggar. Antinous throws a stool at Odysseus and insults him during his stay at the palace. Amphinomus, one of Penelope's suitors, questions and challenges Odysseus during his visit to the palace.