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Odysseus and his men were blown away after his men opened the bag of wind that Ino gave him. They thought that it was gold and wanted to check how much money was in the bag, but it was wind so it blew them back all the way to Aiola again.

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Q: How did Odysseus and his men end up back in aiola soon after leaving it?
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Where does the beggar say Odysseus is?

Odysseus disguised as the beggar tells Penelope that Odysseus was with the Thesprotians gathering treasure, but that he has gone to Dodona to determine's Zeus' high mind. Odysseus says that Odysseus has lost all his crew on the Thrinacian island, but has himself survived and will be coming back to Ithaca soon.

Who is Argos in the Odysseus?

Odysseus' dog, who dies of happiness. As soon as he recognises his master :'(

How do Odysseus' men disobey his orders?

After sacking Ismarus, Odysseus tells the men to return to the ship with their booty, but they do not comply. On the island of the Lotus Eaters, Odysseus commands 3 men to go back to the ship, but they will not comply and have to be dragged back. After visiting Aeolus, keeper of the winds, his men, thinking there is treasure in the sack Aeolus gave to Odysseus, open it, unloosing the winds. After rowing hard passing Scylla and Charybdis, Odysseus orders his men to row on, but they refuse, forcing the ship to port at Thrinacia. When they had arrived on the island of Thrinacia, home of Lord Helios' immortal cattle, Odysseus made them promise to not do anything to the herd. At first they were able to keep that promise, but soon, because there was no wind, they were stranded on the island with no food and only the cattle to stare at. So of course, they betrayed Odysseus and attacked the cattle instead of listening to him. It ended up with the God Zeus punishing them with only Odysseus surviving.

What are the 12 adventures of Odysseus?

The twelve adventures refer to the delays and the obstacles that Odysseus had to overcome in order to return home from the Trojan war.First, they arrive at Ismarus, the land of the Cicones. They sack the city, killing the men and taking the women and treasure as bounty. They are later attacked by the Cicones.Second, They arrive in the Land of the Lotus-eaters. Here, his men eat lotus flowers. The flowers cause the men to lose their desire to return home, so Odysseus must force them back to the ship.Third, at the Cyclops' cave, his men escape being eaten only by Odysseus blinding the one-eyed Polyphemus (son of Poseidon). He does so by claiming that his name is "No One." When Polyphemus screams, he says that "No One" is attacking him, so his fellow cyclopes do not come to his rescue. As a result, Poseidon threatens Odysseus with much suffering and the ultimate loss of his men.Fourth, King Aeolus gives Odysseus and his men a place to stay for about a month. Upon their departure, Aeolus puts winds in a bag and gives them to Odysseus, instructing him not to open it. The crew get close to Ithaca, but while Odysseus sleeps, they open the bag of winds and are flown back towards Aeolia.Fifth, at the Land of the Laestrygens, giant cannibals eat all but one of Odysseus' ships.Sixth, at Aeaea, the enchantress Circe turns Odysseus' scouting party into pigs. But Hermes, the messenger of the gods, gives Odysseus an herb against a similar fate. Odysseus sleeps with Circe and convinces her to turn the pigs back into men. She does so, but only after they have stayed on her island for a year. She tells Odysseus that he must go see Tiresias in the Underworld before continuing his journey.Seventh, Odysseus meets with the blind prophet Tiresias in the Underworld. He encounters lost family and friends. Tiresias warns him of the dangers that lie ahead.Eighth, Odysseus and his men sail past the Sirens, who sing songs to lure passing crews and ships to their deaths. Odysseus orders his men to fill their ears with wax and to tie him to the mast of the ship, so that he may hear the songs but will not be able to succumb to their seduction.Ninth, Odysseus must choose between sailing by either Scylla, a six-headed monster, or Charybdis, a giant whirlpool. Taking Circe's advice, he sails by Scylla, who devours only six of his men and allows them to pass.Tenth, They go to Thrinacia, the home of the sacred cattle. Before docking the ship, he forces his men to swear an oath forbidding them from eating the cattle. However, after their food supply depletes, the men begin to kill and eat the sacred cattle. Angered, the gods punish Odysseus and his men. After this adventure, Odysseus is the last man standing and must float away on the branch of a fig tree (his men and ship were all destroyed by the gods).Eleventh, Odysseus goes to Ogygia, home of Calypso. She keeps him captive for seven years. She gives him a raft but it is soon destroyed by Poseidon, who is still angry with him because of the death of his cyclops son.Twelfth, Odysseus floats to Scheria, where he is taken in by the princess and king. He tells them his story and they agree to help him by providing him with one of their best ships to return to Ithaca.And thirteenth, Odysseus finally returns home only to find that his house is full of suitors for his wife. He must prove himself and soon, after his victory against the suitors, must show his identity.

What role does Hermes play in the Odyssey?

hermes, the messanger god, was the one who told calypso to let odysseus go, and calypso soon after let him go on his way, instead of imprisoning him longer, out of selfish lonliness

Related questions

Where does the beggar say Odysseus is?

Odysseus disguised as the beggar tells Penelope that Odysseus was with the Thesprotians gathering treasure, but that he has gone to Dodona to determine's Zeus' high mind. Odysseus says that Odysseus has lost all his crew on the Thrinacian island, but has himself survived and will be coming back to Ithaca soon.

Which god or goddess pleads for Zeus to help Odysseus?

He sends his messenger Hermes to the island. Then soon Calypso gives Odysseus supplies to build him a small raft back to his home

Who is Argos in the Odysseus?

Odysseus' dog, who dies of happiness. As soon as he recognises his master :'(

What is the message from the beggar Odysseus to Penelope through emmeus?

In Homer's Odyssey, the beggar Odysseus relays a message to Penelope through Eumaeus that Odysseus will soon return and reclaim his home from the suitors. This message serves as a sign of hope and reassurance to Penelope, affirming that Odysseus is alive and on his way back to her.

Who tells Penelope that Odysseus is alive?

Odysseus who was dressed up as an old beggar told Penelope that Odysseus was alive and would return soon

Why did eurylochus criticize Odysseus for deciding to stay on Circe's island?

Eurylochus criticized Odysseus for staying on Circe's island because he feared for their safety and suspected Circe of being deceitful. He was concerned about being trapped or harmed by the witch and believed they were better off leaving as soon as possible. Eurylochus wanted to prioritize the safety of the crew and continue their journey back home.

Why didn't Odysseus tell cyclops his name as soon as he asked?

Odysseus did not tell the cyclops his name cyclops promised him a gift

How did the Sioux get to America?

There was a huge ice age and left huge blocks of ice forming a bridge. The Asian people soon crossed this. The ice soon melted away leaving the unable to get back.

What time you leaving?

"Are you leaving soon?" is part of the lyrics in At The Library by Green Day.

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Yes,Because he said in his movie "cena experience" that he is not going to be leaving the wwe soon.

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