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APEX: By dividing conquered lands and wealth fairly among his allies, Moctezuma I retained their loyalty.

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Baby DuBuque

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Q: How did Moctezuma I's treatment of the Aztec allies strengthen his empire?
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How did Moctezuma I's treatment of the Aztecs' allies strengthen his empire?

APEX: By dividing conquered lands and wealth fairly among his allies, Moctezuma I retained their loyalty.

Who was the emperor of the Aztec empire after moctezuma?

moctezuma ii

What did Moctezuma do?

He ruled the Aztec Empire

What moctezuma did?

He ruled the Aztec Empire

Who was the Emperor of the Aztec empire after spanish conquest?


Where did Moctezuma explore?

Moctezuma II did not explore; he was the ruler of the Aztec Empire from 1502 to 1520. He focused on expanding and governing his empire in Mesoamerica until the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in 1519.

When Judge Moctezuma and decisions as the Aztec leader.?

Judge Moctezuma was not a historical figure. Moctezuma II was a ruler of the Aztec Empire, not a judge. Moctezuma II made important decisions during his reign that ultimately led to the downfall of the Aztec Empire, including how to handle the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes.

What did Cortes tries to steal in the Aztec Empire?

Cortes thought that Moctezuma knew where the fountain of youth was and he thought Moctezuma had a lot of gold.

Who was the king of the Aztec empire when the conquistadors arrived in Mexico?

the king was Montezuma II

Who was the emperor of the Aztec empire at the time of the Spanish conquest?

Moctezuma II

Who was the emperor of the Aztecs empire?

Moctezuma Xocojotzin was the emperor of the Aztec empire. He was known to be a big man and very merciless.

How did moctezuma II's get empire destroyed?

people belived in in rainbow pooping unicors;)