

How did Hermes kill argus?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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He tried to lull the him to sleep disguised a a shepherd, but when that didn't work he started talking in a really monotonous voice and it was so boring that he fell asleep. Then Hermes chopped off his head and had it for dinner.

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Who killed Argus?

Zeus had commanded the god Hermes to kill Argus, who was guarding Io.

Why does Zeus order Hermes to kill Argus?

Zeus orders Hermes to kill Argus because Argus was guarding Io, a woman Zeus was romantically involved with. Zeus believed that by killing Argus, he could free Io from her watchful eyes and have more access to her without being caught.

How does Hermes get Argus to asleep so that he can kill him?

He plays to him on his lyre.

How does Hermes get Argus to fall asleep so he can kill him?

He plays to him on his lyre.

How does Hermes get Argus to fall asleep so that he can kill him?

Hermes tells a story to lull Argus to sleep, eventually causing all of his eyes to close and enabling Hermes to kill him.

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Hermes rivals are argus,cronus,eternals,Hermes is a capableinventor Hermes rivals are argus,cronus,eternals,Hermes is a capableinventor

What happens to Argus?

Argus Panoptes is killed by Hermes while guarding Zeus' love Io so he does not cheat on Hera. Zeus sends Hermes to kill Argus and retrive Io. Later Hera takes Argus' eyes and in honor of him adds them to her favorite bird, the peacock.

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Usually he does not need one. On one occasion, though, he used a sword to kill Argus.

Who had a hundred eyes and was killed by Hermes?

Argus was killed by Hermes.

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Who were the enemies of Hermes the greek god?

From what I know, one of his enemies is Argus. Kinda makes sense, really, cause Argus is a guard and Hermes is the God of Thieves.