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Mostly cruelly but then we mostly know of those that were criminal while living. Those that were righteous we don't hear much about.

Sisyphus was condemned to forever roll a rock up a hill, never to achieve his goal.
Theseus and Pirithous were stuck on a bench. Orpheus had his wife returned to him then snatched back at the very point of recovery.

Actually he did give mercy once with Orpheus. he did let him take Euryidice back to earth but he told orpheuse not to look back but he did. so he didnt snatch her away. he won the agreement.

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Q: How did Hades deal with humans?
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What was the Relationship between hades and humans?

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Did have Hades responsibilities?

Hades is the God of the Underworld, the dead, and riches. I would say that is a great deal of responsibility.

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Hades has the power to rule the Underworld and also request animals, including humans, to be killed.

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Percy starts to feel some empathy for Hades. He thinks maybe Hades got a bad deal.

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No. The devil does not exist in Greek Mythology.

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Hades is both the ruler and name of the Underworld realm in Greek Myth, where people would go after death.

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Greek Mythology What was the deal struck between Demeter and Hades?

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When Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades pulled sticks to see who got what. Zeus got first choice, and picked sky, Poseidon got water, and Hades was stuck with underworld. Land was for the humans.

What lesson does hades teach humans?

Hades symbolizes the inevitability of death and the importance of accepting the cycle of life. His realm serves as a reminder of the impermanence of human existence and the need to embrace change and transformation. Through Hades, humans learn the value of letting go and finding peace in the natural order of life and death.

In Greek Mythology do humans and gods must die in order to gain admittance into Hades?

they must die because, Hades is god of the underworld in which you cant enter alive