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Q: How could Odysseus be described?
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How are Odysseus and his men described?

Odysseus and his men are described in many ways. How they are described is dictated by whose book you're reading from. Homer, who is credited for writing the Odyssey, would describe them favorably. The most common description would have that Odysseus was very intelligent, he was the man who thought up the Trojan horse. Other writers such as John Erskine thought of Odysseus as a coward and not worthy of being called a Greek hero.Books you may find helpful: The Odyssey and Penelope's Man

Was Odysseus' journey to the land of the cyclops a good choice?

In retrospect it was not. But Odysseus could not know this in advance, could he?

What could an archaeopteryx be described?

It could be described as the first bird.

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They could be described as prime ministers.

How is Odysseus strong?

Odysseus is strong because he was the only man who could string the bow.

Why did the suitors want to kill Odysseus?

Odysseus was trying to kill them all. Only by killing Odysseus could they save their own lives.

What city did Odysseus pass where the sun never shines?

Odysseus passed the land of the Cimmerians, where the sun never shines. This land was described as a place of perpetual darkness and mist in "The Odyssey" by Homer.

Why does Odysseus travel to the underworld?

Odysseus traveled to the underworld so that he could talk to Thiresias who had been dead for several years. Thiresias was a great fore teller and could tell Odysseus how to get back to Ithaca.

Where did Odysseus' wife and son live?

In Ithaca, described many times as "Fair Verona", Verona being the settlement.

Which word best described how Penelope felt when she learned that her son had gone in search of information about Odysseus fate?


Penelope's test of Odysseus in Book 23 of the Odyssey?

Penelope was talking to Odysseus and told her maid to move Odysseus' bed so this beggar (odysseus) could stay the night. (Odysseus' bed was made from an oak tree and would be almost impossible to move.) Therefore, Odysseus got really mad and thought she was living with another man who was very strong and could move it. Penelope then knew for sure that this was Odysseus.

What typdysseus e of character best describes Odysseus?

Odysseus can be described as cunning, resourceful, and resilient. He is known for his intelligence and ability to adapt to challenging situations during his epic journey back home in "The Odyssey."