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Odysseus tried to avoid the Trojan War because he had a peaceful kingdom and a wife and son. He didn't want to leave them. He also had received a prophecy when he was quite young that stated that if Odysseus was to partake in the war, he would not return for twenty years. To avoid being forced to honor his previous promise to Menelaus, he dressed in his finest, took a plow, a bull, and a donkey, and went to his fields and spread salt on the fertile ground (salt prevents any further growth), pretending to think it was seed. In summary, he pretended to be insane. His plan failed because Menelaus (suspecting Odysseus's plan) threw Odysseus's son in the path of the plow. Odysseus forgot his plan and saved his son, but had to go to war.

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Q: How and why did Odysseus try to avoid the Trojan War?
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