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Patroclus used Achilles armor to fight Hector when Achilles refused to continue fighting for Agamemnon. Patroclus was Achilles close friend and lover in the Iliad.

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Q: He borrowed Achilles' armor when Achilles refused to fight?
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Who borrowed Achilles' armor when Achilles refused to fight?

Patroclus. When Patroclus got killed by Hector. Achilles got pissed and killed Hector

He borrowed Achilles armor when Achilles refused to fight?

This was Patroclus, Achilles's cousin

What is the significance of the armor Hector wears while fighting Achilles?

The armor that Hector wore used to belong to Achilles. Achilles had refused to fight because of a dispute he had with Agamemnon so he let his friend Patroclus wear his special golden armor to raise the moral of the Greek troops. But Hector, thinking that the guy in the armor was Achilles, killed Patroclus and took the armor. So Achilles fights Hector for revenge for his friend and spots Hector since he's wearing the golden armor.

Who did Odysseus have to fight right after the Trojan war?

Odysseus had to fight Ajax for the armor of Achilles.

What was Achilles weapon?

Hector wore Achilles other armor while fighting him. What happened was Achilles let his friend patroclus wear his armor into battle but was killed so hector stole the armor and used it against him

Is Achilles responsible for patroclus death?

Depending on who you were talking to, he may have. Achilles refused to fight and so, Patroclus fought in his place and was killed by Hector (the Trojan hero). To avenge Patroclus' death, Achilles killed Hector.

Who decided that it was time for Achilles to fight?

The person that decided for Achilles to come back, was a old,wise men Nestor.

Why does Achilles enter the Greeks' battle with the trojans?

The Greek prince, Hector, killed Achilles' cousin, Patroclus. Patroclus was fighting in Achilles' armor, so Hector did not realize who he was fighting. Achilles and Patroclus were very close. In some versions of the story they were even lovers. Achilles was grief stricken and decided to enter the fight.

Why is achilleus dishonored when agamemnon takes briseis?

Achilles saw Briseis as his; be it as slave or wife/bride, and when Agamemnon was premitted to take what was Achilles's it said that the others valued him less and so he refused to fight in the war.

After Achilles killed Hector did Achilles still fight?

Yes, he did.

Why Achilles and Agamemnon argued?

Agamemnon wanted Achilles' girl (called Briseis) but Achilles refused, and was about to kill Agamemnon in anger, but a goddess stopped him, saying that killing him wouldn't solve anything, so instead he said he would leave the war - stop fighting, and that Agamemnon ould have the girl but would regret it later.

Who did hector kill?

Hector killed Achilles dearest companion, Patroclus, while he was disguised in Achilles' armor (in order to inspire the morale challenged Greeks). After mourning, Achilles challenged Hector to single combat and defeated him.