There is no scientific evidence to suggest that bears dream during hibernation. Hibernating animals enter a state of reduced metabolic activity, where their body functions slow down to conserve energy. It is not known what they might dream about, if they do dream at all.
Yes the cleltics did have pets but not the kind of pets we have. They might of had crows or even bears!
You might see volcanic action.
I have never heard of a Greek myth that retells such a happening; Artemis was associated with bears and the birth of a child/young animal. This might be a confusion over the raising of Atalanta who was suckled by a bear and was the favorite of Artemis.
Hades would get more ghosts of the dead. Hephaetus might not notice.
I think there might've been a lot of sadness for his people and a lot of bloodshed on the battlefield of those who loved and killed.
Hedgehogs go into hibernation, like bears in the winter. If you have a pet hedgehog, it should NOT go into hibernation, for it can lead to health problems. If your hedgehog pet is going into hibernation, stop it and warm him/her ASAP. A sign him/her might be going into hibernation is a cold belly.
bears need to gather a lot of fat so they eat a lot before the winter then they make a den that might have some leaves and maybe a few berries
This dream combines feelings of comfort (teddy bears) with the feelings associated with the ex, whatever those feelings might be.
It means they go into a cave, and go into a deep sleep, in the winter and live off of their reserves of fat. They can't hunt during the winter (there's no game around and they could freeze to death), so might as well get some shut eye.
1. Brown bears mate in the spring. when the weather gets cold they will find a cave to hibernate in. baby bears are born during hibernation. the mother will give birth to 1-4 cubs.2. The mother bear might not wake up as the cubs are born. the cubs will nurse for the rest of hibernation and will grow biggerand bigger.3.By the time the cub is a year old, it is full grown but not as muscular and heavy as the mother. the cubs will stay with their mother for 2-3 years and will then be forced to live on their own
1. Brown bears mate in the spring. when the weather gets cold they will find a cave to hibernate in. baby bears are born during hibernation. the mother will give birth to 1-4 cubs.2. The mother bear might not wake up as the cubs are born. the cubs will nurse for the rest of hibernation and will grow biggerand bigger.3.By the time the cub is a year old, it is full grown but not as muscular and heavy as the mother. the cubs will stay with their mother for 2-3 years and will then be forced to live on their own
Before the polar bear hibernates, it eats tons of food, which then supplements it through the winter. Naturally, While the polar bear is sleeping, it's heart rate slows also allowing the food to with stand such a long period of time.
Regarding hibernation, only animals such as bears do that and nobody wants to make a bear get treatment for hibernating. If you do have a friend or family member that is sleeping too often, he or she might suffer from depression.
They wake up? They can loose a finger!!! ha Ha hA!!!!
Basically little or nothing, their Metabolism slows down to a point where they seem semi-comatose and spend most of the winter asleep [hibernation] in a sheltered spot.
An eggplant has no special symbolic meaning. Your particular dream's interpretation depends on what happens in the dream; for example, consider where the eggplant is in the dream. Is it growing in a garden, sitting in a kitchen or prepared in a dish? What are you doing relative to the eggplant? What are the emotions felt during the dream? All of these factors shape the meaning of your specific dream.
so they can live