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yes they did

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Q: Did the Romans have banks
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What did ancient Romans do in banks?

The Romans did not have banks

How long have there been banks in the world?

The Romans had banks, as they were the first civilization to utilize currency.

Ancient Rome was founded on what river?

Rome was on the banks of the River Tiber, which the Romans regarded as a god. The rivers Danube and Rhine formed the northern frontier of the Roman Empire.

What are the types of commercial banks?

Commercial banks can be classified based on who owns them. they are:Public commercial banks - The banks that are owned by the governmentPrivate commercial banks - The banks that are owned by private individuals or companiesForeign commercial banks - The banks that are owned by individuals or companies that are incorporated outside the country where the bank operates

What did the Romans call London?

The Romans called London "Londinium".The Romans called London "Londinium".The Romans called London "Londinium".The Romans called London "Londinium".The Romans called London "Londinium".The Romans called London "Londinium".The Romans called London "Londinium".The Romans called London "Londinium".The Romans called London "Londinium".

How long did Romans have kings?

The Romans had kings for about 243 years.The Romans had kings for about 243 years.The Romans had kings for about 243 years.The Romans had kings for about 243 years.The Romans had kings for about 243 years.The Romans had kings for about 243 years.The Romans had kings for about 243 years.The Romans had kings for about 243 years.The Romans had kings for about 243 years.

What did the Romans call the Netherlands?

The Romans called the Netherlands, Batavia.The Romans called the Netherlands, Batavia.The Romans called the Netherlands, Batavia.The Romans called the Netherlands, Batavia.The Romans called the Netherlands, Batavia.The Romans called the Netherlands, Batavia.The Romans called the Netherlands, Batavia.The Romans called the Netherlands, Batavia.The Romans called the Netherlands, Batavia.

Did the poor Romans have butter?

No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.

The expression burst their banks means a Eroded their banks b Overflowed their banks?

The expression burst their banks means that they overflowed their banks.

What are specialised banks?

Specialized Banks are the banks, which are formed to fulfill specific requirements of business industries and export units.Export-Import Banks, Industrial Development Banks, Foreign Exchange Banks are the Examples of Specialized Banks.

How many banks in Cambodia in 2013?

There are a variety of banks in Cambodia but there are different types of banks. In total there are 8 Specialized banks, 32 Commercial banks and 29 Financial Institution banks.

who at first considered a threat but later embraced it?

the Romans