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Q: Did the Greek masks come about because of the people worshipping Zeus?
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What color is ancient greek masks?

red gold silver and maybe black

What was the purpose of the False Face Society?

The Iroquois used these masks because they thought that when the people of the Iroquois got sick before they woke up people put on scary masks to scare away the evil spirits that were supposedly causing the sickness.

Why did Greek actors wear masks during a performance?

Greek theatrical masks are used so men can pretend to be woman and so they can play several parts. They also used masks so the people at the back can see there face expressions. The uses of masks in ancient Greek theatre draw their origin from the ancient dionysiac culture. Thespis was the first writer, who used a mask. Usually the masks were made of linen, wood, or leather. A marble or stone face was used as a mould for the mask. Human or animal hair was also used. The eyes were fully drawn but in the place of the pupil of the eye was a small hole so that the actor could see. Some people claim that the masks had one more significance they added resonance to the voice of an actor so that everyone in the huge ancient theatre could hear him. The members of the chorus wore masks, usually similar to each other but completely different from the leading actors.

Who made the Egyptians burial masks?

Egyptian dead masks were masks people made to show what they would look like in the after life because egyptians did not believe in death

What did they use for makeup in ancient Greek?

Depending on wether it was a tragedy or comedy they would wear different masks. The masks in tragedies were often large and with serious expressions. The masks for the comedies were more life-size with often grotesque emotions.

Related questions

Why did the Greek people wear the Greek mask?

people wear masks for partyies and stufff.......

How were the Greek theater masks exaggerated?

because they wanted people to really guess their emotion and not just guess the wrong thing

How did people at the back of the greek thaerter hear?

The shape of the theatre and the shape of the masks

Did the Greeks were masks because all the drama was mimed?

No. Greek drama was not all mimed. We know this because we still have some of the plays by the likes of Sophocles and Aristophanes. The masks were so that people way in the back could still clearly tell what was going on.

Why were the masks made for greek theatre?

they were made so that the people in the very back could see their expressions

When were Greek theater masks used?

They were used in the greek theatres when a play was on.

Did Greek masks survive?

i think so

Who wore masks in greek theatre?

The men, as they were the only people allowed to be actors at the time. Intially at the birth of greek theatre there were only two characters, but that grew to three, with the addition of a chorus. The masks were used to help them project their voice to the back of the ampitheatre as well as the masks having expressions on them so they can be seen from the back too

Who made masks in the ancient greek?

In the ancient Greek theatres by the actors.

Four purposes of masks in greek theatre?

The purpose of masks in Greek theatre was so that the audience could see the characters' faces from far away. The masks represented characters from history and mythology, who would be familiar to the audience.

How did the audience at the back hear in greek theatres?

Firstly, because the acustics was very good. Secondly, the actors used a special mouth piece, which strenghtened their voices. They wore it under their masks. Masks were designed so that people could see the character's feelings from a long distance as well.

Why do the young people at the party wear masks?

because parties are special.