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i ve been looking for this answer myself, yet all i found was that the remaining slaves (about 6,000) were crucified along the Alpian Way. there is no mention of any slave surviving. But I'm assuming that if any survived they would keep quiet in order to stay alive. I'd love nothing more than to know atleast one survived.

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Q: Did any of the former slaves with spartacus survive the rebellion?
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What effect did the revolt of slaves led by Spartacus have on Rome?

First of all, Spartacus' rebellion gave the slaves of Rome another point of view on slavery. Being true that slaves were aware of freedom, they did not dare to defy Roman law. Even those who were enslaved in captivity during war, who most craved freedom did not find it possible to escape into freedom. Spartacus broke the paradigma many slaves were chained to, and proved that being free of roman law was possible. Spartacus´rebellion also decrease the ammount of slaves Rome had to about 100,000 less. This weakend Rome´s economy, and forced the Empire to take more precautions with the slaves. This made slavery much more expensive and selective, which gradually made the slave system inefficient and undesirable.

What is a lesson learned from Spartacus?

Spartacus was a slave in the Roman Empire who began a rebellion in 73 BC. He disagreed with the unfair treating of slaves in the Roman world and fought for better rights. A lesson learned from Spartacus could be standing up for what you belive is right. As Spartacus did so to protect the slave's rights in Ancient Rome, this is an important lesson that could be applied today.

How did ancient Romans feel about slavery?

theres no real answer, but it was a combination of Christianity in rome (since slavery was abbolished in 1st and 2nd centuries BC) which taught the value and compassion towards fellow man, the 3 servile war (the 3rd and largest of which was led by spartacus, crixus and oenamaeus freeing and recruiting 70,000 slaves) and fall of the republic because of a collapse of the economy due to larger, wealthier slaveowner landowners holding a monopoly in agriculture and keeping smaller countryside farms to profit from their crops because of cheap manual slave labor. slavery was officially abolished in southern Italy (not too sure on the rest of Europe) in 189A.D.

How did bull fighting start?

The so-called sport was known to have existed among the Pagan Greeks. It is not known if they used professional or amateur athletes, or recruits from Prisoners of War or slaves, etc ( Slaves and Prisoners were used in the Roman Gladiatorial combats). As the Greeks and Romans were frequently at war- it makes sense Greek POW"s were enslaved and used as gladiators- such as Spartacus- who was a Greek, a war-like Spartan as the name suggests.

Aztec city life?

Aztec's city life was reserved for the rich nobles. They even had slaves who worked for them. Any poor Aztec in the city had to work all the time in order to survive.

Related questions

Did any of the slaves with spartacus survive and remain free?

It is not known how many slaves survived the finalsuppressionof the Third Servile War, the slave rebellion in whichSpartacuswas involved.

What are facts about Spartacus's life?

When Spartacus was thirteen years old he became a slave. Then when he was older he and his fellow slaves led a rebellion against the Roman Republic.

Who dies in spartacus?

Well basically a lot of people die in the movie(s) Spartacus, but in the end Spartacus himself gets crucified along with most of the slaves in the rebellion against the Romans.

What was the notable rebellion of slaves that took place in the 70s BC?

It was the revolt of Spartacus that took place about 70 BC.

Who crucified Spartacus?

Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.Crassus crucified 6,000 of the rebel slaves who followed Spartacus. Spartacus himself was killed in battle and his body never found.

Which famous Roman led a slave rebellion in 70 BC?

Spartacus,led a troup of gladiators to freedom from a training school in Capua,and was joined by thousands of slaves from all over Italy

Why did so many slaves join the slave rebellion led by Spartacus?

Being free was his initial reason for taking the chance and leading the revolt against the Romans. However his reason for wanting that freedom is obscure. Freedom in itself was not so highly prized in the time of Spartacus, as slavery was an established fact of life and many slaves lived better than many freeborn men. It seemed that Spartacus and his army didn't have a plan or an objective except to loot and pillage.

What did Spartacus do while not fighting?

Spartacus, Crixus and Oenomaus led fugitive slaves in a rebellion historians call the Third Servile War. The fugitives spent a lot of time pillaging the countryside and, sometimes, towns to feed themselves.

What effect did the revolt of slaves led by Spartacus have on Rome?

First of all, Spartacus' rebellion gave the slaves of Rome another point of view on slavery. Being true that slaves were aware of freedom, they did not dare to defy Roman law. Even those who were enslaved in captivity during war, who most craved freedom did not find it possible to escape into freedom. Spartacus broke the paradigma many slaves were chained to, and proved that being free of roman law was possible. Spartacus´rebellion also decrease the ammount of slaves Rome had to about 100,000 less. This weakend Rome´s economy, and forced the Empire to take more precautions with the slaves. This made slavery much more expensive and selective, which gradually made the slave system inefficient and undesirable.

Facts about Spartacus?

He was a slave. He became a gladiator. He led a massive slaves' rebellion (the Third Servile War) against Rome from 73-71 BC. The slaves seriously threatened the Empire, and crushed several legions sent against them. Eventually legions were recalled from other wars to defeat them, and Spartacus was believed killed.

What is a lesson learned from Spartacus?

Spartacus was a slave in the Roman Empire who began a rebellion in 73 BC. He disagreed with the unfair treating of slaves in the Roman world and fought for better rights. A lesson learned from Spartacus could be standing up for what you belive is right. As Spartacus did so to protect the slave's rights in Ancient Rome, this is an important lesson that could be applied today.

Who was spatacus?

Not long after Sulla died, another crisis arose to challenge Rome's leaders. Thousands if slaves led by former gladiator Spartacus rose up and demanded freedom.