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Q: Did Rhea ask Zeus to kill Cronus?
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What is Zeus' life story?

Cronus (zeus father) ate all his children as prometheus; a titan who could tell the future told him that one of his children would over-throw him.But when Cronus came to eat zeus Rhea (zeus' mother) hide him and instead gave Cronus a rock wrapped in cloth. Cronus ate the rock thinking it was baby zeus.Mean while, Rhea asked Gaia (mother earth) to hide zeus, so he was hidden on the island of crete and was nursed and breast feed off a goat-nympth, called Amalthea.The korybantes were the guardians of zeus, they were were the armed and crested dancers who worshipped the Phrygian goddess Cybele with drumming and dancing, theyre also known to have banged theyre shields togheter to cover up the sound of Zeus' crying. When zeus was fully grown, he made a special drink and told Rhea to serve to in Cronus' drink, so she did and this made Cronus throw up the offspring he had eaten; Hestia, Hades, Hera, Poseidon and Demeter, and even the rock Rhea had served him, it is beleive that Cronus spat it out and it dropped to earth and became the Agia dynati. Zeus then released the brothers of Cronus, the Gigantes, the Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes, from their dungeon in Tartarus, killing their guard, Campe. As a token of their appreciation, the Cyclopes gave him thunder and the thunderbolt, or lightning, which had previously been hidden by Gaia. Together, Zeus and his brothers and sisters, along with the Gigantes, Hecatonchires and Cyclopes overthrew Cronus and the other Titans, in the combat called the Titanomachy. The defeated Titans were then cast into a shadowy underworld region known as Tartarus. Atlas, one of the titans that fought against Zeus, was punished by having to hold up the sky. After the battle with the Titans, Zeus shared the world with his elder brothers, Poseidon and Hades, by drawing lots: Zeus got the sky and air, Poseidon the waters, and Hades the world of the dead and the underworld. (The ancient Earth, Gaia, could not be claimed; she was left to all three, each according to their capabilities, which explains why Poseidon was the "earth-shaker" (the god of earthquakes) and Hades claimed the humans that died.) This is the story of how zeus came to power. i could write more if you want, but i thought this is quite a mouthful so i right this now and if anyone whats more details or more stories on anything to do with Greek mythology, please ask, :)

Greek mythology who did Gaea ask to help save her monster children?

she asked Zeus to get rid of Cronus and in the process he freed Gaea's children

What is story of Zeus?

A long time ago,Mother Earth bore 7 children called the titans with her husband Uranus. Mother Earth otherwise known as Gaia had a child named Kronos, Gaia hated Uranus so she stole his weapon and gave it to Kronos in hopes of having her husband overthrown by Kronos. Kronos did what his mother wanted that he got awarded his father's weapon.Later on in the future, Kronos married his sister Rhea.They bore 7 children too called the gods, Hades,Poseidon,Demeter,Hera,Hestia and last but not least Zeus.But later on the evening his wife had children, Kronos heard a prophecy saying that one his children would overthrow them,scared that this would happen,he swallowed all of his children but Rhea became angry and decided to hide Zeus in a cave with a nymph friend of hers to protect the last child.Kronos became suspicious and threatened to ask Rhea where the last child was.So what Rhea did was she took a rock and wrapped it in blankets and mistakenly Kronos ate it releived that he would not be overthrown but Rhea decided to take Zeus out hiding as someone else and not their son. Zeus became the wineservant and he had a plan to bring back his siblings for they had been growing inside Kronos stomach so he gave Kronos a mix of wine and mustard and to Kronos distaste,he vomited up all of Zeus siblings and they were fully grown. Foolishly,Kronos made a war known as the titans vs. gods. Cyclops were Poseidons minions so the cyclops made weapons for the gods. Hades, a helm of darkness,poseidon the trident, and the mos t powerful weapon in the world for zeus, the world's largest lightning bolt. The war had begun.Zeus's siblings took care of all the other titans instead of Kronos. Zeus had striked his lightning bolt and to an instant,Kronos had died and the gods had won.So Zeus and 2 brothers baecame known as the big three but they could not decide who would rule over what so they finally made their decisions according to their weapons hades ruled the underworld poseidon ruled the seas and finally for his bravery zeus was god of the skies and king of the gods.Cronus, the first God of the Universe and the only Titan willing and brave enough to follow Gaia (the Earth)'s wishes and kill the evil Uranus (the Sky) who imprisoned the Hecatonchires (the hundred-handed beasts) and the Cyclopes (the one-eyed beasts) in Tartarus, which was an endless pit guarded by a monster named Campe. Cronus married his sister, Rhea and had six children. Because Cronus knew that one of his sons would overthrow him as he overthrew his father, he decided to stop the next generation and eat (swallow) five of his six children (Demeter, Hera, Hades, Hestia, and Poseidon). But Gaia gave Rhea advice on how to keep her sixth son (Zeus). Rhea gave Cronus a stone (known as the Omphalos Stone) wrapped in swaddling clothes (robes) and tricked him into believing that the stone was his sixth son. Cronus promptly ate the stone.Rhea hid baby Zeus in a cave on Mount Ida, Crete, in secrecy, in fear that Cronus would find out about the trick played on him. [The story on how Zeus thrived is a mystery spread upon different people and stories, see various articles on Zeus and Cronus for details.] As Zeus grew up, he became stronger and gained more friends and allies. When Zeus was fully grown and mighty, Gaia gave him an emetic herb to use on Cronus. Zeus tricked Cronus into thinking that the herb would give him immense and overbearing power, but instead it made Cronus extremely sick. Cronus later threw up the five of his children along with the Omphalos Stone. Zeus had prevailed.Zeus shared land and power among each of his siblings, he made Hades the god of the Underworld, Poseidon the god of the sea, Demeter the god of the harvest, Hestia the goddess of architecture and family, Hera the goddess of marriage and the rights of women. Of course, being Zeus, he kept the best for himself. Zeus chose the right to guard the sky and the heavens, also becoming the second God of the Universe. Zeus also shared power, laws, and rights to those who lived in his land.Source(s): Wikipedia, Books, School

What favor did Aphrodite ask of zeus when aeneas died?

The favor that Aphrodite ask of Zeus when Aeneas died was that she be allowed to bury her son.

Whose premission did hades ask to kidnap Persephone?

Zeus, Persephone's father.

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How was Hestia born?

Hestia's parents are Cronus and Rhea. Cronus tried to eat all of his children to keep his throne. Rhea became very upset so she went to ask her mother for help.When Rhea was expecting her last child, she hid him in a cave, and wrapped up a stone in baby clothes for Cronus to swallow. The baby, named Zeus, grew up, and rescued all of his brothers and sisters.

What is Eos' relation to Zeus?

Eos was the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Thia. Zeus is the son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. Since all the Titans are brothers ans sisters, Zeus and Eos would be cousins.

What is Zeus' life story?

Cronus (zeus father) ate all his children as prometheus; a titan who could tell the future told him that one of his children would over-throw him.But when Cronus came to eat zeus Rhea (zeus' mother) hide him and instead gave Cronus a rock wrapped in cloth. Cronus ate the rock thinking it was baby zeus.Mean while, Rhea asked Gaia (mother earth) to hide zeus, so he was hidden on the island of crete and was nursed and breast feed off a goat-nympth, called Amalthea.The korybantes were the guardians of zeus, they were were the armed and crested dancers who worshipped the Phrygian goddess Cybele with drumming and dancing, theyre also known to have banged theyre shields togheter to cover up the sound of Zeus' crying. When zeus was fully grown, he made a special drink and told Rhea to serve to in Cronus' drink, so she did and this made Cronus throw up the offspring he had eaten; Hestia, Hades, Hera, Poseidon and Demeter, and even the rock Rhea had served him, it is beleive that Cronus spat it out and it dropped to earth and became the Agia dynati. Zeus then released the brothers of Cronus, the Gigantes, the Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes, from their dungeon in Tartarus, killing their guard, Campe. As a token of their appreciation, the Cyclopes gave him thunder and the thunderbolt, or lightning, which had previously been hidden by Gaia. Together, Zeus and his brothers and sisters, along with the Gigantes, Hecatonchires and Cyclopes overthrew Cronus and the other Titans, in the combat called the Titanomachy. The defeated Titans were then cast into a shadowy underworld region known as Tartarus. Atlas, one of the titans that fought against Zeus, was punished by having to hold up the sky. After the battle with the Titans, Zeus shared the world with his elder brothers, Poseidon and Hades, by drawing lots: Zeus got the sky and air, Poseidon the waters, and Hades the world of the dead and the underworld. (The ancient Earth, Gaia, could not be claimed; she was left to all three, each according to their capabilities, which explains why Poseidon was the "earth-shaker" (the god of earthquakes) and Hades claimed the humans that died.) This is the story of how zeus came to power. i could write more if you want, but i thought this is quite a mouthful so i right this now and if anyone whats more details or more stories on anything to do with Greek mythology, please ask, :)

Greek mythology who did Gaea ask to help save her monster children?

she asked Zeus to get rid of Cronus and in the process he freed Gaea's children

What is story of Zeus?

A long time ago,Mother Earth bore 7 children called the titans with her husband Uranus. Mother Earth otherwise known as Gaia had a child named Kronos, Gaia hated Uranus so she stole his weapon and gave it to Kronos in hopes of having her husband overthrown by Kronos. Kronos did what his mother wanted that he got awarded his father's weapon.Later on in the future, Kronos married his sister Rhea.They bore 7 children too called the gods, Hades,Poseidon,Demeter,Hera,Hestia and last but not least Zeus.But later on the evening his wife had children, Kronos heard a prophecy saying that one his children would overthrow them,scared that this would happen,he swallowed all of his children but Rhea became angry and decided to hide Zeus in a cave with a nymph friend of hers to protect the last child.Kronos became suspicious and threatened to ask Rhea where the last child was.So what Rhea did was she took a rock and wrapped it in blankets and mistakenly Kronos ate it releived that he would not be overthrown but Rhea decided to take Zeus out hiding as someone else and not their son. Zeus became the wineservant and he had a plan to bring back his siblings for they had been growing inside Kronos stomach so he gave Kronos a mix of wine and mustard and to Kronos distaste,he vomited up all of Zeus siblings and they were fully grown. Foolishly,Kronos made a war known as the titans vs. gods. Cyclops were Poseidons minions so the cyclops made weapons for the gods. Hades, a helm of darkness,poseidon the trident, and the mos t powerful weapon in the world for zeus, the world's largest lightning bolt. The war had begun.Zeus's siblings took care of all the other titans instead of Kronos. Zeus had striked his lightning bolt and to an instant,Kronos had died and the gods had won.So Zeus and 2 brothers baecame known as the big three but they could not decide who would rule over what so they finally made their decisions according to their weapons hades ruled the underworld poseidon ruled the seas and finally for his bravery zeus was god of the skies and king of the gods.Cronus, the first God of the Universe and the only Titan willing and brave enough to follow Gaia (the Earth)'s wishes and kill the evil Uranus (the Sky) who imprisoned the Hecatonchires (the hundred-handed beasts) and the Cyclopes (the one-eyed beasts) in Tartarus, which was an endless pit guarded by a monster named Campe. Cronus married his sister, Rhea and had six children. Because Cronus knew that one of his sons would overthrow him as he overthrew his father, he decided to stop the next generation and eat (swallow) five of his six children (Demeter, Hera, Hades, Hestia, and Poseidon). But Gaia gave Rhea advice on how to keep her sixth son (Zeus). Rhea gave Cronus a stone (known as the Omphalos Stone) wrapped in swaddling clothes (robes) and tricked him into believing that the stone was his sixth son. Cronus promptly ate the stone.Rhea hid baby Zeus in a cave on Mount Ida, Crete, in secrecy, in fear that Cronus would find out about the trick played on him. [The story on how Zeus thrived is a mystery spread upon different people and stories, see various articles on Zeus and Cronus for details.] As Zeus grew up, he became stronger and gained more friends and allies. When Zeus was fully grown and mighty, Gaia gave him an emetic herb to use on Cronus. Zeus tricked Cronus into thinking that the herb would give him immense and overbearing power, but instead it made Cronus extremely sick. Cronus later threw up the five of his children along with the Omphalos Stone. Zeus had prevailed.Zeus shared land and power among each of his siblings, he made Hades the god of the Underworld, Poseidon the god of the sea, Demeter the god of the harvest, Hestia the goddess of architecture and family, Hera the goddess of marriage and the rights of women. Of course, being Zeus, he kept the best for himself. Zeus chose the right to guard the sky and the heavens, also becoming the second God of the Universe. Zeus also shared power, laws, and rights to those who lived in his land.Source(s): Wikipedia, Books, School

How do you ask Zeus again on Mythology on Poptropica?

ask him what?

What does Thetis promise to do for her son Achilles?

She promises to ask Zeus to side with the Trojans in the battle.

Which wife did Zeus kill because she wanted to see his true divine form?

Semele; Hera had become angry that Zeus had married Seele. So Hera told Semele to ask Zeus to reveal his true divine form. Zeus had sworn by Styx that he grant Semele a single wish, and so he showed his true form. Semele then died by Zeus's divine light.

What favor did Aphrodite ask of zeus when aeneas died?

The favor that Aphrodite ask of Zeus when Aeneas died was that she be allowed to bury her son.

Did Zeus prefer his Roman or Greek name?

Good question. No one knows. Ask Zeus.

Does Zeus exist?

It depends who you ask. If you ask the right people, you get the right answer. Take from that what you will.

What are the name of the Greek god and goddesses generations?

If by generation, the question intends to ask the various groups of gods/goddesses primarily in charge, then the answers are primordial, Titans, Olympians:FIRST RULING GROUP: the primordial gods & goddesses (examples: Nyx, Erebus, Gaia, Ouranos, Pontus, Tartarus and others), who rose out of Chaos or parthenogenetically out of Gaia or Nyx.SECOND RULING GROUP after the Titans overthrow Ouranos: the original Titans and Titanesses (and many of their children), who are 12 specific children of Gaia and Ouranos (but they had other children who are not Titans or Titanesses).THIRD RULING GROUP after the Olympians overthrow Cronus and then Atlas: the Olympians (some are children of the Titan Cronus and Titaness Rhea, some children of the Olympian Zeus, and others who were in favor with these)