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Odysseus was away for 20 years, but 10 was spent in Asia Minor looting. After the fall of Troy, he spent 10 years getting back home.

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Q: Did Odysseus take 10 or 20 years to get back home from the Trojan War?
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After the Trojan War Odysseus is trying to go where?

Back home to Ithaca.

What is Odysseus trying to do in the Odyssey?

He is trying to get back home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.

Why didn't Odysseus leave the Trojan War?

He did. It just took him a long time to get back home.

How long did it take Odysseus to return home?

It takes Odysseus 20 years to return home after he left Ithaca for the war.It takes Odysseus 10 years to return home after the 10 year long Trojan war.During these 10 years, Odysseus spent a year with the sorceress Circe. Odysseus was trapped with the Nymph Goddess Calypso for 7 years.

Where was Odysseus returning home from?

Odysseus was returning home from Troy where he fought in the Trojan war.

How old was Odysseus when he died?

He was 18 when Odysseus married Penelope. He was in his 24 when he left for the Trojan War. It took him 20 years to get back home, and he lived for another 10 years before his youngest son, Telegonus, son of Circe, kills Odysseus without knowing who his father was. So in total, Odysseus was 54 years old.

Did Odysseus win the Trojan war?

Yes! He survived and made it back home to his people wife and son.

What happened to Odysseus after the Trojan war?

He spent the next ten years getting home. It is the story of the Odyssey.

How is the odyssey related to The Iliad?

Odysseus was part of the Trojan war and after the Trojan war Odysseus was sailing back home but blown off course and he began his quest.

Why had Odysseus not yet returned home from the Trojan war?

Odysseus had not yet returned home from the Trojan War because he had angered the god Poseidon. Poseidon placed many obstacles in Odysseus way so he would be unable to return to his home.

Is Odysseus young?

No, Odysseus is portrayed as an adult in Greek mythology. He is a seasoned warrior and the king of Ithaca, known for his cunning and resourcefulness during the Trojan War and his long journey home in the epic poem "The Odyssey."

What is the whole story of the Odyssey?

"The Odyssey" is an epic poem attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer. It follows the hero Odysseus as he embarks on a journey home after the Trojan War, facing numerous challenges and adventures along the way. The story explores themes of bravery, loyalty, cunning, and the power of the gods. Ultimately, Odysseus returns home to Ithaca and is reunited with his wife Penelope after a long and arduous journey.