They're in Mesoamerica!
One of the larger factors that lead to the decline of the Aztec and Inca civilizations are people from Europe bringing disease and taking advantage of these people.
There was only one Aztec city, the rest of the cities from the empire kept their rulers so therefore, they weren't Aztec cities, they only were under their influence and had to pay tribute.
they are all known for their architectural skills
Mayan and Aztec Civilizations.
the Aztec
Mayan and Aztec civilizations of Central and South America
The Mayans,Aztec, and Incas I dont know the last one
Both Aztec and Mayan civilizations made such accomplishments.
the Aztec were devloped in Mexico
The Olmec civilization created a culture that greatly influenced the Aztecs.
the three ancient civilizations that Spain wiped out were the Aztec, Inca, and Maya.
the largest Aztec temple is Techolition
One cultural similarity between the Aztec and Incan civilizations is their reverence for religious practices and beliefs. Both civilizations built grand temples and performed elaborate rituals to worship their gods.
Both the Mayan and Aztec civilizations were located in Mesoamerica, in present-day Mexico and Central America. They both had complex urban societies with skilled artisans, advanced agricultural practices, and sophisticated architectural structures. Additionally, both civilizations practiced a form of writing, mathematics, and astronomy.
The most important was the Aztec or Mexicacivilization.