

Did Hermes have a sword

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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Yes, long sword made out of gold

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Q: Did Hermes have a sword
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What is One important myth involving Hermes?

Perseus. Hermes gave him sword.

How does Hermes fight?

Hermes first tried to lull the giant to sleep with his music, but failing that, slew him with his sword.

What are other important information about Hermes?

He was famous for the sword and how he sent messenges!

What special weapon did Perseus have and who gave them to him?

A helmet of invisibilty from Hades Winged sandals from Hermes Wisdom from Athena

How did Hermes and Athena help perseus?

Athena gave Perseus a polished shield, and Hermes gave Perseus a sword to attack Medusa with.

Does Hermes have a weapon?

Usually he does not need one. On one occasion, though, he used a sword to kill Argus.

What Weapons or special items did Perseus use in his myths?

A shield and winged shoes by Hermes and sword by Athena.

What does Hermes do to rescue lo?

Hermes gives Perseus a sword and shield to help him defeat Medusa in order to rescue Andromeda.

How did pursues killed Medusa?

Well Athena and Hermes the greek gods gave him a sword and so perseus got hismother free

What is a story about Hermes?

Hermes aided Perseus in killing the gorgon (Medusa) by giving Perseus his winged sandals and telling him to find the Gray Sisters so they could direct him to the nymphs of the North. When he reached the nymphs they would give him Zeus' sword, Hades' helmet, and Athena's shield.

What items were used Perseus' quest?

On Perseus quest he had to kill medusa and bring her head back, he used flying shoes from Hermes, a mirror, armor and a sword given to him by Athena, and a cap if invisibility(most likely hades shadow helm, or one very much like it.

Why could perseus kill Medusa?

Perseus used a short sharp sword given to him by hermes (messenger god) and a shield used as a mirror, given to him by athena (god of war strategy and wisdom). Perseus looked at Medusas reflection with the shield and took of her head with the sword.