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his main enemy was hera who was his mom but she threw him off of mt olympus into the ocean. though he was saved and seeked revenge by sending hera a golden thrown and when sat in it she couldn't get out and so another god made him drunk to stop him and to release hera.

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Q: Did Hephaestus have any enemies
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Does Hephaestus have any enemies?

his main enemy is hera

Who was Hephaestus's enemies?

He had many known enemies, but Hephaestus held a particular grudge against his parents, especially his mother, when they wouldn't accept him for his disability and lameness. Along with that, one of his wives, Aphrodite, cheated on him with his brother, Ares, and Hephaestus was mad at them as well.

Who were Aphrodite's enemies?

The people who were Aphrodites enemies are Athena, Hera, Apollo, and her husband Hephaestus, of course she hated him because she never loved him.

Who were Hephaestus' enemies?

Mainly he was mad at Aphrodite for cheating on him with his brother Ares. So i think that probably ares i guess was his enemy.

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Did Hephaestus carry around any items?

Usually Hephaestus is seen depicted with hammer, tongs and anvil.

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What land did Hephaestus rule?

Hephaestus did not rule any particular land; some say he shared Athens with Athena.

Did Hephaestus have any myths?

Yes he did. Here are some: The Creation of Pandora The war of the giants The chaining of Prometheus Type in google' Did Hephaestus have any stories/Myths? Then the third one says' STORIES OF HEPHAESTUS: Greek mythology. It is in purple writing.

Who are eagles enemies?

eagles do not have any enemies. their only enemies are humans.

Did Hephaestus the god of technology have any brothers or sisters other than his brother Ares?

Since his father was Zeus, he has many siblings. Any child of Zeus was a sibling to Hephaestus.

What kind clothes did Hephaestus wear?

Any kind he wished to.