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yes, Cleopatra fell in love ,she fell in love with Julius ceasar and octavian.

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Q: Did Cleopatra fall in love
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How did Mark Antony and Cleopatra fall in love?

Cleopatra did not fall in love with mark Antony,she had to marrie him

Who did Cleopatra fall in love with?

Julius Caesar fell in love with Cleopatra.

When did Cleopatra fall in love with Mark Antony?

Cleopatra VII and Marc Antony fell in love in about in about 42 B.C

Who did Cleopatra fall in love with in 41 BC?

She fell in love with Marc Antony.

What year did Cleopatra fall in love with Julius Caesar?

Cleopatra and Julius Caesar met in 47 BC. It is doubtful if Cleopatra ever fell in love with Caesar, or Caesar with her. They had an affair, that's all.

When did Cleopatra and Caesar fall in love?

Cleopatra met Julius Caesar when he was 53 but they didn't get married they were just partners.

What month did mark Antony and Cleopatra fall in love?

they didn't she and Julius did

Which Egyptian Queen did Caesar fall in love with?

Julius Caesar fell in love with the Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra. After Caesar's death in 44 B.C., Cleopatra fell in love with Caesar's best friend, Marc Antony.

How did Cleopatra fall in love with Marc Anthony?

Cleopatra thought that he was cute. Its love at first sight, she also thought that they could be a very powerful couple. Together they could rule Egypt and other lands, with their children.

Did Alexander the great fall in love with Cleopatra?

No, Alexander the Great lived in the 4th century BC and Cleopatra lived in the 1st century BC. You're thinking of the Roman consul Marc Anthony. No, Alexander the Great lived in the 4th century BC and Cleopatra lived in the 1st century BC. You're thinking of the Roman consul Marc Anthony. e sorta did, I'm gonna screw this up for you but what I say is ture. He sorta did fall in love with Cleopatra was his sister so i think that he must of. Now it's not Cleopatra of Egypt i talk of whos ancestor was a genrally in Alexanders army.

Was mark Antony Cleopatra's love?

No. Cleopatra's love was Cleopatra. She needed Antony's authority and good will to keep her dynasty in power. She induced him to form an alliance with her by means of sex and luxury. But love was nowhere in the picture. It was politics, Cleopatra style.

Who was Marc Antony's great love?

I believe it was Cleopatra.