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From today's Libya in the west, through Egypt, the Middle East and Central Asia, to today's Pakistan in the easr.

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Q: Describe the extent of the Persian empire about 500bc?
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Who did Egypt lose power to?

Egypt stopped being a great power when they became part of the Persian Empire c.500BC.

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The first metal used as a currency was gold?

No, they were made of base metal or lumps of silver. The first gold currency was in 500BC, by the Greek, Persian, Macedonian, and later the Roman empires.

What is ancient Rome time period?

The time period for ancient Rome is from (circa) the 8th Century BC the kingdom lasted to until circa 500BC the republic was from circa 500BC until circa 30 BC Then came the Empire which continued until 1447 CE/BC

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There are different individuals who were responsible for the movement in 500BC. For instance Lao Tzu started the Chinese social movement in 500BC that was known as Taoism.

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around 500bc

Is it true that 500 BC is before 400 BC?

no its false 400 bc comes before 500bc and 500bc comes after 400bc

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about 500bc

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Around 500BC