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black i suppose

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Q: Cleopatra what color hair did she have?
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What was Cleopatra's eye colour?

There is no record of Cleopatra's eye color. Any information about her eye color or hair color is speculation.

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What was Cleopatra's hair color?

'Being Egyptian, it's safe to say that Cleopatra's hair color was black like most Egyptian or desert-like living people."--Actually, Cleopatra wasn't Egyptian."Cleopatra was in fact a blond ( reddish blond to be exact). That's because she was not Egyptian. She was a Macedonian Greek, with hair as blonde as Alexander the greats. "-User:Stacystatik

Cleopatra's hair color?

No one knows cCeopatra's hair color. If her tomb is found and her mummy is here perhaps the scienists will be able to tell.

Was Cleopatra a redhead?

We don't really know her hair color, just as we don't know her eye color. When Hellenistic busts were found, purporting to be Cleopatra, all their surface paint had worn off. None of the ancient writers mention her hair color.

What is Cleopatra's favorite color?

Cleopatra's favorite color is black

What is Cleopatra's second favorite color?

Cleopatra's favorite color is black

What colour hair did Cleopatra have?

It was black.

Did Cleopatra have blonde hair?

I'm pretty sure she had black hair.

What color is Cleopatra?

The color that symbolized royalty, and therefore Cleopatra, was purple. At the battle of Actium, Antony's men were told to watch for the breakout of the purple sails and to follow them in their retreat. So we know that Cleopatra had purple sails on her ships.

Did Cleopatra had blue eyes?

Cleopatra's eye color is not mentioned in any ancient writings. Any indication of her eye color would be guessing.