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Yes, olive trees can live up to 1500 years; there is one currently growing on the island of Ithaca, home of the legendary hero Odysseus, which is around that age.

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Q: Can an olive tree live for 1500 years?
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An olive tree can live up to 1500 years is that true?

Yes, it is true that olive trees can live for several hundred years, with some reaching up to 1500 years old. Their longevity is attributed to their ability to regenerate new growth even after being cut back or damaged.

How long does a an olive tree live up to?

The average life span is 500 - 900 years while there are some olive trees 2000 +

How long can an olive tree live?

200 years

What is a Russian Olive tree?

The Russian Olive tree, also known as Elaeagnus angustifolia, is a deciduous tree that is native to Europe and Asia. It is known for its silver-green leaves and small, silver fruits. However, it is considered invasive in some regions due to its ability to outcompete native plant species.

What biome does the olive tree live in?

Olive trees thrive in Mediterranean biomes, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. They are well-suited to the region's specific climate and soil conditions, making them a staple tree in Mediterranean ecosystems.

Can a live olive tree have a termite infestation?

Termite swarms can be confused with flying ants, but a living olive tree can be infested with termites. They will gnaw away at the branches until the tree eventually dies.

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What level do you get an olive tree on FarmVille?

You can not buy the olive tree on farmville, you have to be sent it as gift. To send an olive tree you must be at level 32. Buy an olive tree for 5 farmcash in the market

Is olive an adjective?

It can be considered an adjective when used to indicate a color (olive skin), or something made from olive tree wood. Olive as a noun can refer to the color, the tree, or the fruit of the olive tree.

Olive tree with termites what do I do to get rid of them?

What to use on Olive tree with termites

What is the Tagalog name of olive tree?

Tagalog name of olive tree: puno ng Olibo

How long does it take to grow palm oil?

The type of cultivar of olive you are growing will determine how long it takes for the olive to bear fruit. The Arbequina and Koroneiki cultivars bear fruit after approximately 3 years, while other cultivars often do not bear fruit until they are 5 to 12 years old.