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i am pretty sure you are asking about the river that leads into the underworld. If so, it is called the River of Styx.

There are 7 rivers that descend into Hades and converge on a great marsh. They are:

  • Styx,
  • Phlegethon,
  • Acheron,
  • Cocytus
  • Lethe
  • Eridanos,
  • Alpheus.
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Q: As in Greek myths a River in Hades?
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Cerberus. He's the dog that guarded the River Styx in Greek and Roman mythology, and was the pet of Hades/Pluto. Cerberus was actually a three-headed dog, though.

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The myths of - Athena and Arachne. - How Athens patron god was decided. - How Persephone got involved with Hades. - How Apollo and Artemis were born.