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Q: Argon is derived from which Greek word?
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Who is argon named after?

Argon is named after the Greek word "argos," meaning lazy or inactive, due to its unreactive nature.

What element means lazy in Greek?

The Greek word for lazy is τεμπέλης (tebelis), and there are no elements with a similar name. The element Argon comes from the Greek word for "inactive." Perhaps that is the one you are looking for.

What does the Greek word argon mean?

The Greek word "argon" means "lazy" or "inactive." It is used to describe something that is not moving or functioning.

What original name of argon?

The name "argon" is derived from the Greek word αργον meaning "lazy" or "the inactive one", a reference to the fact that the element undergoes almost no chemical reactions.

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The word electronics is derived from what greek word?

Elektron :)

What is the greek word for lamp?

The word lamp is derived from the Greek word lampas, meaning torch.

What is the origin of argon's name and symbol?

The name "argon" comes from the Greek word "argos," meaning lazy or inactive, reflecting argon's inert nature. Its chemical symbol "Ar" is derived from the first two letters of the element's name.

What English word comes from the greek word hypokrite?

hypocrisy is the English word derived from the Greek word hypokrites

How did argon get its name?

The name "argon" comes from the Greek word "argos," meaning lazy or inactive, reflecting its low reactivity and tendency to not form chemical compounds easily.

What is the Biblical Greek word for Sunday?

Greek word for Sunday, Κυριακή, is derived from Κύριος (Lord).