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Ok.He was NOT immortal. he was 'as immortal as mortals get'.He was dipped into the river Styx which will make you 'as immortal as mortals get'.If you survive it.WHich he did.His mom did it when he was a baby,holding him by his he was unhurtable.Except his ankle.Now i will explain HOW he died.Basically the war of troy.He fought in it and while he and the leader took 2 girls prisoner.Achilles got 1,Brises.The leader got Chrysis,they were cousins.Chrysis was daughter of a priest of Apollo,and the priest told Apollo of his daughter getting took and Apollo demanded Chrysis returned.The leader did but wanted Brises to take her place so Achilles gave her up.This made him mad.He knew he had great influence over the soldiers so he said when the next fight is here i will not fight.So while he was gone one morning(I forgot where he went)His best friend put on his armor and led the troops to fight.He was killed by Hector,prince of troy.So Achilles very mad at the death of his best friend,goes to fight hector and kills him.He drags hector's body around and around troys walls,displaying Hectors dead body.After his best friend has a funeral he takes the body of Hector back to his tent.The king and his daughter,Hectors sister,COme to get Hectors body to have him a proper funeral.They bring gold but it isn't the same weight as Hector,the sister takes her gold chain necklace and lays it down.Now the gold is the same.Achilles moved by the girl,sits down and talks to them late in the night.The king offers his daughters hand in marrige.Later the girl and Achilles are talking and he tells her of his weak spot and then Paris steps out form behind a column and the Daughter says u killed my brother.and the Paris shot Achilles in the hell.Which is how he died.Want a much better detailed version of that?Read the Iliad.

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