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The two Argonauts were the son of the North wind.

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Two of the Argonauts were sons of the wind?

Yes, Zetes and Calais were the two Argonauts who were sons of the wind god Boreas. They possessed wings and were able to fly, which helped the Argonauts on their journey.

Two of the Argonauts were sons of the?

North Wind, Boreas.

In Greek mythology who are the harpies enemys?

In the myth concerning Jason and the Argonauts' quest for the golden fleece, Zetes and Calais, winged sons of the North wind, chase off the harpies from bothering Phineus, the wise oldman of the sea.

What was the crew name in Jason and the Argonauts?

the argonauts

Is one of the myths regarding Medea is that she cooked her children and served them to Jason?

When Medea killed Jason's (of the Argonauts) wife, she sent her sons to give her the cursed robe that killed the young bride. She saw that there was no safety for her sons, so she killed them and then escaped. (Edith Hamilton's Mythology Part 2 Chapter 3) It does not say that she boiled them.

When did Rise of the Argonauts happen?

Rise of the Argonauts happened in 360.

When was Argonauts F.C. created?

Argonauts F.C. was created in 1928.

When did Argonauts F.C. end?

Argonauts F.C. ended in 1930.

When was The Tales of the Argonauts created?

The Tales of the Argonauts was created in 1875.

When was Toronto Argonauts created?

Toronto Argonauts was created in 1873.

When was The Chronic Argonauts created?

The Chronic Argonauts was created in 1888.

Who killed Jason of the Argonauts?

nobody killed jason with the argonauts