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No, I definitely don't want a puddle dog.

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Related questions

What is a puddle dog breed?

The puddle dog breed is the same as a French poodle. This breed got its name from the German word Pudelhund.

What is the story of the dog and the lion according to the Maranao fable?

the dog and the lion maranao fable

Is the lion and the mouse a fable?

A dog was walking through the forest when all of a sudden, he came across a lion. The lion wanted to eat the dog but it began to rain. The dog then looked at his reflection in a puddle and came up with an idea. He said to the lion "look into the puddles, and you will see all the lions who have been captured by dogs." The dog pointed to the puddle and exclaimed, "this is a prison for lions." As the dog showed the lion puddle after puddle, the lion decided it would be best just to leave the dog alone. The lion walked away hungry and the dog survived thanks to his quick thinking.

What are the main characters in mud puddle poodle pet trouble?

Buttons ( the dog)RosieOliverCarlosMiguelDanny

In nintendogs what does it mean when the dog pees and the puddle is flashing dark blue?

it means that another dog that is not yours has peed there and u are about to encounter it in a question mark :)

Name something on the sidewalk that people try to avoid stepping on?

gum, cracks, dog doo, puddle

How do you say poodle in spanish?

That is the correct spelling of the proper noun Pomeranian (small dog breed).

Does the moon have graity?

Yes. Every speck of mass in Creation 'has gravity' . . . the moon, your shoe,the sun, my dog, a puddle of rainwater, and the lint in your pocket.

How did Jake the dog get his magic powers?

In the "The Witch's Garden," Jake claims to have obtained his powers by rolling around in a magical mud puddle as a puppy.

How many syllable in puddle?

There are 2 syllables in Puddle.

What is the analogy for puddle?

Puddle is to water as desert is to sand.

Who has the most solids a stream a pond or a puddle?

The puddle i know.