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The burrowing owl makes its nest in the ground for breeding and nesting purposes. The owls will mate, and after the eggs are laid, the female incubates them while the male brings it food and guards the nest.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Because it mainly lives in burrows (holes in the ground). They don't however make the burrows themselves ( in spite of their name) but live in burrows made by other animals.

While this is true for the Western species of the Burrowing Owl, the Florida species do indeed dig their own burrows. With our soft, sandy soil, they have no trouble digging a burrow. On occasion they can take over Gopher Tortoise burrows, but this is not as common as them digging their own burrows.

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14y ago

Burrowing owls use the abandoned burrows of animals. They can make the burrow bigger by using their strong, nearly featherless legs.

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10y ago

Mostly know they will usually live in trees but there are a small minority that do,

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12y ago

They dig burrows to live in them

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