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It is thin because oxygen is past through it.

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12y ago

They use their skin as a respiratory surface. Frogs eliminate carbon dioxide 2.5 times as fast through their skin as they do through their lungs

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Q: Why do frogs have thin and moist skin?
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What is Darwin frogs body covering?

soft,thin,moist skin

What is a Darwin frogs body covering?

soft,thin,moist skin

What animal has thin damp skin?

Amphibians, such as frogs and salamanders, have thin, damp skin that helps them to breathe through their skin. This skin allows for the exchange of gases and helps to keep them hydrated by absorbing water from their environment.

Are frogs scaly?

Frogs have wet, moist skin. Their skin is not scaly, but it is smooth.

What do you call animals with moist skin?

Animals who need to have moist skin are amphibians, such as frogs.

Are frogs smooth?

Yes, frogs typically have smooth, moist skin.

What are the differences between a frog and a human?

Humans use lungs only, Frogs can "breathe" through their thin moist skin, through gills, and lungs

Why are frogs well adapted to the desert?

Frogs do not do well in a desert unless there is a permanent water supply. They have very thin skin and can quickly dehydrate in the dry desert. They are adapted to moist or wet environments.

How do frogs breathe in water?

Through their moist skin.

How does a moist skin help frogs survive?

so they don't dry out or get dehitraited

Is the skin of amphibious animals thick and dry or thin and moist?

thin and dry. happy if that helped

What kind of skin do frogs have?

A frog has a layer of poisonous glands all over its body.They can jump into a pond or body of water and go to the bottom and conceal themselves in the mud. They do this by flattening themselves out and remaining completely still.