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Probably not. The female most likely releases her eggs in the water as soon as the male frog signals to do so, and the male frog then fertilizes the eggs.

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Grow-A-Frog frogs don't exist. Though, if they were to exist, the answer would probably be yes, as with most frogs.

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Because their eggs need to be moist and the tadpoles have gills and need water to breathe.

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Q: Why do frogs and toads mate in water?
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Does a toad swim its whole life?

No, most amphibians spend part of their life out of water and toads tend to spend more of their life out of water than some other amphibians such as frogs and newts. Toads return to water to mate.

When do toads mate?

Toads start mating through mating season. The male has to be a little smaller than the female to mate.

Do toads have bumpy skin and frogs not?

Both toads and frogs have bumpy skin, but toads typically have drier and rougher skin compared to frogs. Frogs generally have smooth and moist skin that helps them absorb water and oxygen.

Can toads and frogs live on land and in water?


Are frogs and toads member of the same species?

No because some frogs are not the same species (i.e. a bull frog is not a tree frog) and cannot mate to form a fertile offspring. However, frogs are of a similar phylum as toads. Further information:Although frogs and toads are both amphibians, they are completely different species from each other. Frogs belong to the family Ranidae while toads belong to the family Bufonidae.

Comparison between frogs and toads?

Toads have round bodies that are dry and bumpy. Frogs have thin bodies that are smooth and moist. Toads have short stubby legs that do not jump very far in proportion to body length, while frogs have long legs that jump great distances in proportion to body length. The tadpoles of the toads are generally black, while the tadpoles of frogs are generally brown. Toads live on land and only return to water to mate, while most frogs will live in or near water they're whole lives. Toads have glands behind their eyes called paratoidglands that producebufotoxinwhich varies in intensity, while frogs have no such glands. Toads have "warts" which let them store fat, while frogs don't. Frogs' skin can allow them to get small amounts of oxygen, while the toads' skin cannot do that. Toads hibernate in holes they either dig or find, while frogs will just bury themselves in the mud at the bottom of the pond to hibernate. Frogs have longer legs and can jump farther in proportion to body length, while toads have shorter legs and jump less than the frog in proportion to body lengthToads and frogs also tend to differ when they lay eggs. Toads typically lay eggs in a string in the water. Frogs tend to have theirs in a big bunch.

Frogs are different from toads because frogs?

Frogs have smooth, moist skin and are typically found in or near water, while toads have dry, bumpy skin and are more adapted to living on land. Additionally, frogs have longer hind legs for jumping, while toads have shorter hind legs for walking.

Do frogs and toads both lay there egss in the water?


What are anphbins?

an anphbin is a frogs and toads. anphbins can breath under water and on land

Are adult frogs and toads tailless?

Not all frogs or toads tailless as adults. There are two species that do have them. The Tailed Frog is able to survive in extremely cold water.

What are newborn frogs and toads called?

Well we have two things, newly hatched frogs and toads are tadpoles. New frogs and toads who have recently become frogs and toads from tadpoles are called froglets and toadlets,

Can frogs and toads coexist in the same terrarium?

Yes, but the conditions differ. Frogs: Require water and crickets Toads: Require Dry (or moist) land and crickets. Goodluck :)