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Because all toads prefer there food to be moving as they eat it! I think it may have something to do with there limited vision and instincts.

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Q: Why do firebellied toads prefer live mealworms than freeze-dried mealworms?
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Related questions

Do firebellied toads swim?

yes, firebelly toads swim in water and they also like land but they are mostly in the water

Can Firebellied toads eat guppies?

Not if you don't put them together. Amphibians poison the water for fish.

Will horned toads eat mealworms?

They prefer ants, beetles, or grasshoppers. I'm not sure if they'd eat it. It's worth a shot though, I guess.

Is it normal that one of your firebellied toads likes to hide in the bark you have on the bottom of the terrarium?

Yes - that's perfectly normal behaviour.

What do western toads eat?

I've found one in my backyard and have seen it eat flies and it allows me to handfeed it mealworms.

What do toads eat when they are captured from the wild and kept as pets?

Earth worms, mealworms, maggots, any flies and butterflies you can catch alive.

Can firebellied toads through up?

I would think so,however the can not spit somthing out to because thir rounded tounges canot extend out of their mouth, but throwing up dos not involve the tounge, so I would say yes its possible

Is it ok to play with fire belly toads?

No--Firebellied Toads secrete a mild toxin that, though only irritating or uncomfortable if ingested by humans, may kill or seriously injure any other animals you might come into contact with after handling them. If you're looking for a pet that "enjoys" handling, Leopard Geckos and Bearded Dragons are two excellent choices.

What to medium toads and frogs like to eat?

The most common food source is crickets. Usually pet stores offer different sized crickets for different sized frogs. Frogs and toads also like to eat mealworms, earthworms, and flies.

How do frog and toads obtain food?

Frogs and toads use their tongue to catch insects, but some species prefer to hide and wait for an unsuspecting prey and then pounce.

What are toads supposed to eat when on land?

Well depends on what type u have i have fire bellies and i they need water and land so what i do is i put crickets or mealworms on fhe land side because toads in general like to eat live insects because thats their instinct mine wont even eat a dead cricket i hope this helps

How do toads live in water?

well the answer is yes because they can survive in water and it's the enviorment