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Most frogs hate streaming water since they cannot properly swim. Apart from that their skin is not suited for salt water, although some frogs are known to live and reproduce in brackish water.

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Q: Why do amphibians prefer land than water?
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How are amphibians different than reptiels?

Amphibians are superficially similar to reptiles, but reptiles are amniotes, that is they lay eggs that are adapted to dry land. Most amphibians lay eggs in water and have a juvenile stage that changes into the adult form.

Why are reptiles not as dependent on water as most amphibians are?

Because,reptiles are land creatures. Their skin is drier than amphbians. They like to bask in the sun. If amphibians basked in the sun like that,they would dry out!

Does frogs live on land and in the water?

Yes, frogs are amphibious creatures. Toads on the other hand spend more time on land than frogs do, but are still amphibians.

How did the first reptiles evolve on earth?

The first reptiles evolved from amphibians about 310-320 million years ago. It is known that amphibians live life in both water and land, but have to return to the water to lay their soft eggs. As amphibians differentiated one group known as reptiliomorph labyrinthodonts became more accustomed to the dry land. They spent more time on land than in water. Eventually they adapted by growing hard, dry skin rather than the soft, wet skin of amphibians. They also adapted by laying hard shelled eggs on land rather than laying soft eggs in the water. The first reptiles were largely overshadowed by the larger amphibians, which were more diverse and dominant prior to the Permian mass extinction. Hylonomus is the oldest-known reptile, and was about 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) long. Westlothiana has been suggested as the oldest reptile, but is for the moment considered to be more related to amphibians than amniotes.

Did reptiles evolve from amphibians?

No, they did not.

Are reptiles better than amphibians at living on land?

Yes. Most amphibians cannot go far from a moist environment as they have difficulty maintaining their body moisture.

Can a mallard duck land on land?

Ducks can land anywhere. They prefer to take off and land in water, because they are water birds. Water makes a softer landing than land, too! If they have to land on the ground, they have to flap their wings harder to hover in the air, but if they land on water they can just splash down.

What are evolutionary adaptations that make mammals better adapted to life on land than amphibians?

Mammals have more efficient respiratory systems, including lungs with a more complex structure, allowing them to extract more oxygen from the air. Additionally, mammals have a higher metabolic rate and regulatory mechanisms to maintain body temperature, enabling them to thrive in a wider range of environments on land. Their ability to give birth to live offspring and nurse them with milk provides a more reliable way to care for their young in terrestrial habitats.

Is an allilagator an amphibian?

Crocodiles and alligators are very similar to amphibians but they are not termed under amphibians. In fact they are a part of the reptile family. They are the larger reptiles in this family. The difference between amphibians and reptiles are that though many reptiles like crocodiles and alligators can live in both water and land they are less dependant on water than the amphibians. An amphibian might be able to live on land but it needs a water body nearby. It cannot survive on dry and desert areas unlike the reptiles. Moreover though crocodiles and alligators can live in water they have to come on the land tolay eggs which is not mandatory in the case of amphibians like frogs. The reptiles like crocodiles, alligators and other species related to them breathe through their lungs while amphibians have other organs to fulfil this purpose. Thus the crocodiles are not a part of the amphibian family because they are more closely related to the reptiles with their scaly skin,lizard like shape, and jaws.

Are there more water than land?

Yes, there is more water than land.

Do Amphibians have any other characteristics?

Any other characteristics than what? They are cold-blooded, they start their lifecycle in the water and at the onset of adulthood move to dryland. They are mainly carnivorous, eating small water creatures and insects.

Why are reptiles more suited for the desert than amphibians?

Amphibians require water to reproduce as their eggs do not have a water proof shell. that requires that the developing young be in water. Also, amphibians go through a process of metamorphosis Reptiles, most of them, lay eggs that are more waterproof and do not dry out. The young of reptiles are born as miniatures of the adults and do not require water sources to mature.