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No , no , Amphibia is not most successful group of land vertebrates .It is least successful .

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Q: Why amphibians is the most succeful terrestrial vertabrate?
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Most amphibians exist as what?

Aquatic larvae that breathe with gills and as terrestrial adults that breathe using lungs and skin

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What animals do most scientist think reptiles evolved?

Most scientists believe that reptiles evolved from amphibians, specifically from ancient creatures known as early reptiliomorphs. These early tetrapods adapted to a more terrestrial lifestyle, eventually giving rise to reptiles.

Are the vertebrates that can live in water and on land for a short period of time are amphibians?

Amphibians are of the class Amphibia. They inhabit a wide variety of habitats, with most species living within terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal or freshwater aquatic ecosystems. Amphibians typically start out as larvae living in water.

How do amphibian hatch?

In most species Amphibians hatch as aquatic larvae with gills and then undergo metamorphosis into four-legged terrestrial adults with lungs for breathing air.

How are most amphibians born?

Amphibians hatch out of an egg with no shell.

What has the most in common birds fish amphibians reptiles and mammals?

reptiles and amphibians have the most in common

What is the answer to this definition adaptation in land animals that allows protection of the developing embryo outside of water?

I think you're looking for the word amniotic egg. When terrestrial animals came onto land, they had to deal with dessication of embryos. Fish could lay their eggs in the water and amphibians usually followed suit. However, the amniotic eggs of most reptiles and some mammals have a shell. The shell significantly slows dehydration of the egg in the dry air, an adaptation that allowed reptiles to occupy a wider range of terrestrial environments than their closest relatives, the amphibians. Even today reptiles are found in many dry environments such as the desert, where as most amphibians are restricted to wet areas.

Why are most invertebrates aquatic and most vertebrates are terrestrial?

That is actually not true. The vast majority of animals, including vertebrates and invertebrates, are insects. All insects live on land. As for vertebrates, three of the seven classes are types of fish, and fish species equal the number of terrestrial vertebrate species, at approximately 32,000 types of fish compared with 10,000 reptiles, 10,000 birds, 5,000 mammals, and 7,000 amphibians.

What do Amphibians NOT have?

Lungs Amphibians actually do have lungs. They lack most of the glands that we humans have.

Do amphibians have raidial symmetry?

Most amphibians are asymmetric. Although some appear to be symmetric.