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Q: Which biome contains plants and animals that are adapted to converse water?
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Groups of animals and plants that are adapted to simailar conditions form a?

A group of plants and animals adapted to similar conditions is called a community.

How have animals and plants adapted to the tropical rainforest?


What is a large region with plants and animals well adapted to the soil and the climate of this region?

Amazon rainforest, the north pole in the winter, really any geographical area has plants or animals that have adapted to that environment.

Which biome contains plants and animals that are adapted to conserve water?

Desert biome contains plants and animals that are adapted to conserve water due to the low precipitation levels. These adaptations include water-storing tissues, reduced leaf surface area, and efficient water retention mechanisms.

How have humans and animals adapted to life in Sahara desert and Antarctica?

they have adapted in life by drinking water and to be safe

What do animals or plants that have adapted to temperate climates have?

Animals and plants that have adapted to temperate climates typically have features such as thick fur or feathers, hibernation abilities, and the ability to change colors. These adaptations help them cope with the seasonal changes in temperature, weather, and food availability that are characteristic of temperate climates.

What are broad flat teeth adapted to do?

So they can eat plants, but not animals.

How have plants and animals adapted to the climate of the tropical rainforest?

Becasue they have had to they have no choice.

How are the plants and animals found in a biome related to the biomes?

Plants and animals are physically well adapted for that area. Plants and animals that live in a specific biome share similar characteristics with other plants and animals in that biome throughout the world.

How have plants and animals adapt to life on land?

Plants and animals have adapted to feed, reproduction, and life on land by utilizing oxygen or carbon dioxide that is absorbed through lungs or via photosynthesis rather than using gills. They have adapted with fur to keep them warm and legs to move them safely on land. Plants have adapted to utilize sunlight and animals to reproduce.

How are the plants and animals found in a biome related to the biomes climate?

Plants and animals are physically well adapted for that area. Plants and animals that live in a specific biome share similar characteristics with other plants and animals in that biome throughout the world.

What will happen to animals and plants if they are not adapted to the desert?

nothing they have already adapted to the desert life if you change it they will die